Module diem.identifier.bech32

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


# Bech32 implementation for Diem human readable addresses based on
# Bitcoin's segwit python lib modified to support the
# requirements of Diem (sub)address and versioning specs.

import typing


# Bech32 constants
_BECH32_CHARSET = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l"

# DIEM constants
_DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE = 16  # in bytes
_DIEM_BECH32_SIZE = [50, 49]  # in characters

class Bech32Error(Exception):
    """ Represents an error when creating a Diem address. """


def bech32_address_encode(hrp: str, address_bytes: bytes, subaddress_bytes: typing.Optional[bytes]) -> str:
    """Encode a Diem address (and sub-address if provided).
        hrp: Bech32 human readable part
        address_bytes: on-chain account address (16 bytes)
        subaddress_bytes: subaddress (8 bytes). If not provided, it is set to 8 zero bytes
        Bech32 encoded address

    # only accept correct size for Diem address
    if len(address_bytes) != _DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Address size should be {_DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE}, but got: {len(address_bytes)}")

    # only accept correct size for Diem subaddress (if set)
    if subaddress_bytes is not None and len(subaddress_bytes) != DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Subaddress size should be {DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE}, but got: {len(subaddress_bytes)}")

    encoding_version = _DIEM_BECH32_VERSION

    # if subaddress has not been provided it's set to 8 zero bytes.
    subaddress_final_bytes = subaddress_bytes if subaddress_bytes is not None else DIEM_ZERO_SUBADDRESS
    total_bytes = address_bytes + subaddress_final_bytes

    five_bit_data = _convertbits(total_bytes, 8, 5, True)
    # check base conversion
    if five_bit_data is None:
        raise Bech32Error("Error converting bytes to base32")
    return _bech32_encode(hrp, [encoding_version] + five_bit_data)

def bech32_address_decode(expected_hrp: str, bech32: str) -> typing.Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]:
    """Validate a Bech32 Diem address Bech32 string, and split between version, address and sub-address.
        expected_hrp: expected Bech32 human readable part (lbr or tlb)
        bech32: Bech32 encoded address
        A tuple consisiting of the Bech32 version (int), address (16 bytes), subaddress (8 bytes)
    len_bech32 = len(bech32)
    len_hrp = len(expected_hrp)

    # check expected length
    if len_bech32 not in _DIEM_BECH32_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Bech32 size should be {_DIEM_BECH32_SIZE}, but it is: {len_bech32}")

    # do not allow mixed case per BIP 173
    if bech32 != bech32.lower() and bech32 != bech32.upper():
        raise Bech32Error(f"Mixed case Bech32 addresses are not allowed, got: {bech32}")

    bech32 = bech32.lower()
    hrp = bech32[:len_hrp]

    if hrp != expected_hrp:
        raise Bech32Error(
            f"Wrong Diem address Bech32 human readable part (prefix): expect {expected_hrp} but got {hrp}"

    # check separator
    if bech32[len_hrp] != _BECH32_SEPARATOR:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Non-expected Bech32 separator: {bech32[len_hrp]}")

    # check characters after separator in Bech32 alphabet
    if not all(x in _BECH32_CHARSET for x in bech32[len_hrp + 1 :]):
        raise Bech32Error(f"Invalid Bech32 characters detected: {bech32}")

    # version is defined by the index of the Bech32 character after separator
    address_version = _BECH32_CHARSET.find(bech32[len_hrp + 1])
    # check valid version
    if address_version != _DIEM_BECH32_VERSION:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Version mismatch. Expected {_DIEM_BECH32_VERSION}, " f"but received {address_version}")

    # we've already checked that all characters are in the correct alphabet,
    # thus, this will always succeed
    data = [_BECH32_CHARSET.find(x) for x in bech32[len_hrp + 2 :]]

    # check Bech32 checksum
    if not _bech32_verify_checksum(hrp, [address_version] + data):
        raise Bech32Error(f"Bech32 checksum validation failed: {bech32}")

    decoded_data = _convertbits(data[:-_BECH32_CHECKSUM_CHAR_SIZE], 5, 8, False)
    # check base conversion
    if decoded_data is None:
        raise Bech32Error("Error converting bytes from base32")

    length_data = len(decoded_data)
    # extra check about the expected output (sub)address size in bytes
        raise Bech32Error(
            f"Expected {_DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE + DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE} bytes after decoding, but got: {length_data}"

    return (

def _bech32_polymod(values: typing.Iterable[int]) -> int:
    """Internal function that computes the Bech32 checksum."""
    generator = [0x3B6A57B2, 0x26508E6D, 0x1EA119FA, 0x3D4233DD, 0x2A1462B3]
    chk = 1
    for value in values:
        top = chk >> 25
        chk = (chk & 0x1FFFFFF) << 5 ^ value
        for i in range(5):
            chk ^= generator[i] if ((top >> i) & 1) else 0
    return chk

def _bech32_hrp_expand(hrp: str) -> typing.List[int]:
    """Expand the HRP into values for checksum computation."""
    return [ord(x) >> 5 for x in hrp] + [0] + [ord(x) & 31 for x in hrp]

def _bech32_verify_checksum(hrp: str, data: typing.Iterable[int]) -> bool:
    """Verify a checksum given HRP and converted data characters."""
    return _bech32_polymod(_bech32_hrp_expand(hrp) + list(data)) == 1

def _bech32_create_checksum(hrp: str, data: typing.Iterable[int]) -> typing.List[int]:
    """Compute the checksum values given HRP and data."""
    values = _bech32_hrp_expand(hrp) + list(data)
    polymod = _bech32_polymod(values + [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) ^ 1
    return [(polymod >> 5 * (5 - i)) & 31 for i in range(6)]

def _bech32_encode(hrp: str, data: typing.Iterable[int]) -> str:
    """Compute a Bech32 string given HRP and data values."""
    combined = list(data) + _bech32_create_checksum(hrp, data)
    return hrp + _BECH32_SEPARATOR + "".join([_BECH32_CHARSET[d] for d in combined])

def _convertbits(
    data: typing.Iterable[int], from_bits: int, to_bits: int, pad: bool
) -> typing.Optional[typing.List[int]]:
    """General power-of-2 base conversion."""
    acc = 0
    bits = 0
    ret = []
    maxv = (1 << to_bits) - 1
    max_acc = (1 << (from_bits + to_bits - 1)) - 1
    for value in data:
        if value < 0 or (value >> from_bits):
            return None
        acc = ((acc << from_bits) | value) & max_acc
        bits += from_bits
        while bits >= to_bits:
            bits -= to_bits
            ret.append((acc >> bits) & maxv)
    if pad:
        if bits:
            ret.append((acc << (to_bits - bits)) & maxv)
    elif bits >= from_bits or ((acc << (to_bits - bits)) & maxv):
        return None
    return ret


def bech32_address_decode(expected_hrp: str, bech32: str) ‑> Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]

Validate a Bech32 Diem address Bech32 string, and split between version, address and sub-address.


expected Bech32 human readable part (lbr or tlb)
Bech32 encoded address


A tuple consisiting of the Bech32 version (int), address (16 bytes), subaddress (8 bytes)

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def bech32_address_decode(expected_hrp: str, bech32: str) -> typing.Tuple[int, bytes, bytes]:
    """Validate a Bech32 Diem address Bech32 string, and split between version, address and sub-address.
        expected_hrp: expected Bech32 human readable part (lbr or tlb)
        bech32: Bech32 encoded address
        A tuple consisiting of the Bech32 version (int), address (16 bytes), subaddress (8 bytes)
    len_bech32 = len(bech32)
    len_hrp = len(expected_hrp)

    # check expected length
    if len_bech32 not in _DIEM_BECH32_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Bech32 size should be {_DIEM_BECH32_SIZE}, but it is: {len_bech32}")

    # do not allow mixed case per BIP 173
    if bech32 != bech32.lower() and bech32 != bech32.upper():
        raise Bech32Error(f"Mixed case Bech32 addresses are not allowed, got: {bech32}")

    bech32 = bech32.lower()
    hrp = bech32[:len_hrp]

    if hrp != expected_hrp:
        raise Bech32Error(
            f"Wrong Diem address Bech32 human readable part (prefix): expect {expected_hrp} but got {hrp}"

    # check separator
    if bech32[len_hrp] != _BECH32_SEPARATOR:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Non-expected Bech32 separator: {bech32[len_hrp]}")

    # check characters after separator in Bech32 alphabet
    if not all(x in _BECH32_CHARSET for x in bech32[len_hrp + 1 :]):
        raise Bech32Error(f"Invalid Bech32 characters detected: {bech32}")

    # version is defined by the index of the Bech32 character after separator
    address_version = _BECH32_CHARSET.find(bech32[len_hrp + 1])
    # check valid version
    if address_version != _DIEM_BECH32_VERSION:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Version mismatch. Expected {_DIEM_BECH32_VERSION}, " f"but received {address_version}")

    # we've already checked that all characters are in the correct alphabet,
    # thus, this will always succeed
    data = [_BECH32_CHARSET.find(x) for x in bech32[len_hrp + 2 :]]

    # check Bech32 checksum
    if not _bech32_verify_checksum(hrp, [address_version] + data):
        raise Bech32Error(f"Bech32 checksum validation failed: {bech32}")

    decoded_data = _convertbits(data[:-_BECH32_CHECKSUM_CHAR_SIZE], 5, 8, False)
    # check base conversion
    if decoded_data is None:
        raise Bech32Error("Error converting bytes from base32")

    length_data = len(decoded_data)
    # extra check about the expected output (sub)address size in bytes
        raise Bech32Error(
            f"Expected {_DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE + DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE} bytes after decoding, but got: {length_data}"

    return (
def bech32_address_encode(hrp: str, address_bytes: bytes, subaddress_bytes: Optional[bytes]) ‑> str

Encode a Diem address (and sub-address if provided).


Bech32 human readable part
on-chain account address (16 bytes)
subaddress (8 bytes). If not provided, it is set to 8 zero bytes


Bech32 encoded address

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def bech32_address_encode(hrp: str, address_bytes: bytes, subaddress_bytes: typing.Optional[bytes]) -> str:
    """Encode a Diem address (and sub-address if provided).
        hrp: Bech32 human readable part
        address_bytes: on-chain account address (16 bytes)
        subaddress_bytes: subaddress (8 bytes). If not provided, it is set to 8 zero bytes
        Bech32 encoded address

    # only accept correct size for Diem address
    if len(address_bytes) != _DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Address size should be {_DIEM_ADDRESS_SIZE}, but got: {len(address_bytes)}")

    # only accept correct size for Diem subaddress (if set)
    if subaddress_bytes is not None and len(subaddress_bytes) != DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE:
        raise Bech32Error(f"Subaddress size should be {DIEM_SUBADDRESS_SIZE}, but got: {len(subaddress_bytes)}")

    encoding_version = _DIEM_BECH32_VERSION

    # if subaddress has not been provided it's set to 8 zero bytes.
    subaddress_final_bytes = subaddress_bytes if subaddress_bytes is not None else DIEM_ZERO_SUBADDRESS
    total_bytes = address_bytes + subaddress_final_bytes

    five_bit_data = _convertbits(total_bytes, 8, 5, True)
    # check base conversion
    if five_bit_data is None:
        raise Bech32Error("Error converting bytes to base32")
    return _bech32_encode(hrp, [encoding_version] + five_bit_data)


class Bech32Error (*args, **kwargs)

Represents an error when creating a Diem address.

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class Bech32Error(Exception):
    """ Represents an error when creating a Diem address. """



  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException