Module diem.jsonrpc.client

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import time
import copy
import dataclasses
import google.protobuf.json_format as parser
import requests
import threading
import typing
import random

from diem.__VERSION__ import VERSION
from concurrent.futures import Future, ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PublicKey
from logging import Logger, getLogger

from .. import diem_types, utils
from . import jsonrpc_pb2 as rpc
from . import constants


USER_AGENT_HTTP_HEADER: str = "diem-client-sdk-python / %s" % VERSION

class JsonRpcError(Exception):

class NetworkError(Exception):

class InvalidServerResponse(Exception):

class StaleResponseError(Exception):

class TransactionHashMismatchError(Exception):

class TransactionExecutionFailed(Exception):

class TransactionExpired(Exception):

class WaitForTransactionTimeout(Exception):

class AccountNotFoundError(ValueError):

class State:
    chain_id: int
    version: int
    timestamp_usecs: int

class Retry:
    max_retries: int
    delay_secs: float
    exception: typing.Type[Exception]

    def execute(self, fn: typing.Callable):  # pyre-ignore
        tries = 0
        while tries < self.max_retries:
            tries += 1
                return fn()
            except self.exception as e:
                if tries < self.max_retries:
                    # simplest backoff strategy: tries * delay
                    time.sleep(self.delay_secs * tries)
                    raise e

class RequestStrategy:
    """RequestStrategy base class

    It implements the simplest strategy: direct send http request

    def send_request(
        self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        return client._send_http_request(client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)

class RequestWithBackups(RequestStrategy):
    """RequestWithBackups implements strategies for primary-backup model.

    First we send same request to primary and one of random picked backup urls in parallel.
    Then we have 2 different strategies for how we handle responses:

    1. first success: return first completed success response.
    2. fallback: wait for primary response completed, if it failed, fallback to backup response.

    Default is first success strategy, passing fallback=True in constructor to enable fallback strategy.

    Errors cause failures:

    1. http request error
    2. http response error
    3. response body is not json
    4. StaleResponseError: this is included for making sure we always prefer to pick non-stale response.

    Initialize Client:

    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
    from diem import jsonrpc

    # This controls how many concurrent requests we can sent. It is shared for all jsonrpc.Client requests.
    executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(5)
        rs=jsonrpc.RequestWithBackups(backups=[<backup-json-rpc-server-url>...], executor=executor),

    def __init__(
        backups: typing.List[str],
        executor: ThreadPoolExecutor,
        fallback: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self._backups = backups
        self._executor = executor
        self._fallback = fallback

    def send_request(
        self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        primary = self._executor.submit(client._send_http_request, client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)
        backup = self._executor.submit(
            client._send_http_request, random.choice(self._backups), request, ignore_stale_response

        if self._fallback:
            return self._fallback_to_backup(primary, backup)
        return self._first_success(primary, backup)

    def _fallback_to_backup(self, primary: Future, backup: Future) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
            return primary.result()
        except Exception:
            return backup.result()

    def _first_success(self, primary: Future, backup: Future) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        futures = as_completed({primary, backup})
        first = next(futures)
            return first.result()
        except Exception:
            return next(futures).result()

class Client:
    """Diem JSON-RPC API client


    def __init__(
        server_url: str,
        session: typing.Optional[requests.Session] = None,
        timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float]] = None,
        retry: typing.Optional[Retry] = None,
        rs: typing.Optional[RequestStrategy] = None,
        logger: typing.Optional[Logger] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._url: str = server_url
        self._session: requests.Session = session or requests.Session()
        self._session.headers.update({"User-Agent": USER_AGENT_HTTP_HEADER})
        self._timeout: typing.Tuple[float, float] = timeout or (DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS)
        self._last_known_server_state: State = State(chain_id=-1, version=-1, timestamp_usecs=-1)
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._retry: Retry = retry or Retry(DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY, StaleResponseError)
        self._rs: RequestStrategy = rs or RequestStrategy()
        self._logger: Logger = logger or getLogger(__name__)

    # high level functions

    def get_parent_vasp_account(
        self, vasp_account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> rpc.Account:
        """get parent_vasp account

        accepts child/parent vasp account address, returns parent vasp account

        raise ValueError if given account address is not ChildVASP or ParentVASP account
        raise AccountNotFoundError if no account found by given account address, or
        could not find the account by the parent_vasp_address found in ChildVASP account.

        account = self.must_get_account(vasp_account_address)

        if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_PARENT_VASP:
            return account
        if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_CHILD_VASP:
            return self.get_parent_vasp_account(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

        hex = utils.account_address_hex(vasp_account_address)
        raise ValueError(f"given account address({hex}) is not a VASP account: {account}")

    def get_base_url_and_compliance_key(
        self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, Ed25519PublicKey]:
        """get base_url and compliance key

        ParentVASP or Designated Dealer account role has base_url and compliance key setup, which
        are used for offchain API communication.
        account = self.must_get_account(account_address)

        if account.role.compliance_key and account.role.base_url:
            key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(bytes.fromhex(account.role.compliance_key))
            return (account.role.base_url, key)
        if account.role.parent_vasp_address:
            return self.get_base_url_and_compliance_key(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

        raise ValueError(f"could not find base_url and compliance_key from account: {account}")

    def must_get_account(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> rpc.Account:
        """must_get_account raises AccountNotFoundError if account could not be found by given address"""

        account = self.get_account(account_address)
        if account is None:
            hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
            raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")
        return account

    def get_account_sequence(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> int:
        """get on-chain account sequence number

        Calls get_account to find on-chain account information and return it's sequence.
        Raises AccountNotFoundError if get_account returns None

        account = self.get_account(account_address)
        if account is None:
            hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
            raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")

        return int(account.sequence_number)

    # low level functions

    def get_last_known_state(self) -> State:
        """get last known server state

        All JSON-RPC service response contains chain_id, latest ledger state version and
        ledger state timestamp usecs.
        Returns a state with all -1 values if the client never called server after initialized.
        Last known state is used for tracking server response, making sure we won't hit stale

        with self._lock:
            return copy.copy(self._last_known_server_state)

    def update_last_known_state(self, chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int) -> None:
        """update last known server state

        Raises InvalidServerResponse if given chain_id mismatches with previous value

        Raises StaleResponseError if version or timestamp_usecs is less than previous values

        with self._lock:
            curr = self._last_known_server_state
            if curr.chain_id != -1 and curr.chain_id != chain_id:
                raise InvalidServerResponse(f"last known chain id {curr.chain_id}, " f"but got {chain_id}")
            if curr.version > version:
                raise StaleResponseError(f"last known version {curr.version} > {version}")
            if curr.timestamp_usecs > timestamp_usecs:
                raise StaleResponseError(f"last known timestamp_usecs {curr.timestamp_usecs} > {timestamp_usecs}")

            self._last_known_server_state = State(

    def get_metadata(
        version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> rpc.Metadata:
        """get block metadata

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [int(version)] if version else []
        return self.execute("get_metadata", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Metadata()))

    def get_currencies(self) -> typing.List[rpc.CurrencyInfo]:
        """get currencies

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        return self.execute("get_currencies", [], _parse_list(lambda: rpc.CurrencyInfo()))

    def get_account(
        self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Account]:
        """get on-chain account information

        Returns None if account not found
        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        return self.execute("get_account", [address], _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Account()))

    def get_account_transaction(
        account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
        sequence: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get on-chain account transaction by sequence number

        Returns None if transaction is not found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, int(sequence), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_account_transaction", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_account_transactions(
        account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
        sequence: int,
        limit: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get on-chain account transactions by start sequence number and limit size

        Returns empty list if no transactions found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, int(sequence), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_account_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_transactions(
        start_version: int,
        limit: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get transactions

        Returns empty list if no transactions found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [int(start_version), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_events(self, event_stream_key: str, start: int, limit: int) -> typing.List[rpc.Event]:
        """get events

        Returns empty list if no events found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [event_stream_key, int(start), int(limit)]
        return self.execute("get_events", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Event()))

    def get_state_proof(self, version: int) -> rpc.StateProof:
        params = [int(version)]
        return self.execute("get_state_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.StateProof()))

    def get_account_state_with_proof(
        account_address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
        version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
        ledger_version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> rpc.AccountStateWithProof:
        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, version, ledger_version]
        return self.execute("get_account_state_with_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.AccountStateWithProof()))

    def submit(
        txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str],
    ) -> None:
        """submit signed transaction

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        This method ignores StaleResponseError and does not retry on any submit errors, because re-submit any transaction
        may get JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD` in multi-threads environment, for example:

        1. thread-1: submit transaction.
        2. server: receive submit transaction. The latest ledger version is X.
        3. server: receive a new state sync. The latest ledger version becomes X+1.
        4. thread-2: get_events (can be any get API).
        5. server: receive get_events. The latest ledger version is X+1.
        6. server: respond to get_events with latest ledger version == X+1.
        7. thread-2: receive get_events response.
        8. thread-2: update latest known ledger version X+1.
        9. server: respond to submit transaction with latest ledger version == X.
        10. thread-1: receive submit transaction response. Found response ledger version X < known version X+1.
        11. thread-1: triggers StaleResponseError.
        12. if we retry on StaleResponseError, the submitted transaction may end with JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD`
            if the following events happened.
        13. server: execute transaction, and the transaction sender account sequence number +1.
        14. thread-1: submit the transaction again.
        15. server: validate transaction sender account sequence number, and response SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error.
            However, the transaction was executed successfully, thus raising SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error may cause
            a re-submit with new account sequence number if client handled it improperly (without checking whether
            the transaction is executed).


        if isinstance(txn, diem_types.SignedTransaction):
            return self.submit(txn.bcs_serialize().hex())

        self.execute_without_retry("submit", [txn], result_parser=None, ignore_stale_response=True)

    def wait_for_transaction(
        self, txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str], timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None
    ) -> rpc.Transaction:
        """wait for transaction executed

        Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

        Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

        Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
        is not success.

        Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
        number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
        This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
        with same account address and sequence).

        if isinstance(txn, str):
            txn_obj = diem_types.SignedTransaction.bcs_deserialize(bytes.fromhex(txn))
            return self.wait_for_transaction(txn_obj, timeout_secs)

        return self.wait_for_transaction2(

    def wait_for_transaction2(
        address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
        seq: int,
        expiration_time_secs: int,
        txn_hash: str,
        timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
        wait_duration_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> rpc.Transaction:
        """wait for transaction executed

        Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

        Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

        Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
        is not success.

        Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
        number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
        This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
        with same account address and sequence).

        max_wait = time.time() + (timeout_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_SECS)
        while time.time() < max_wait:
            txn = self.get_account_transaction(address, seq, True)
            if txn is not None:
                if txn.hash != txn_hash:
                    raise TransactionHashMismatchError(f"expected hash {txn_hash}, but got {txn.hash}")
                if txn.vm_status.type != constants.VM_STATUS_EXECUTED:
                    raise TransactionExecutionFailed(f"VM status: {txn.vm_status}")
                return txn
            state = self.get_last_known_state()
            if expiration_time_secs * 1_000_000 <= state.timestamp_usecs:
                raise TransactionExpired(
                    f"latest server ledger timestamp_usecs {state.timestamp_usecs}, "
                    f"transaction expires at {expiration_time_secs}"
            time.sleep(wait_duration_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_WAIT_DURATION_SECS)

        raise WaitForTransactionTimeout()

    # pyre-ignore
    def execute(
        method: str,
        params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
        result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
        ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
        """execute JSON-RPC method call

        This method handles StableResponseError with retry.
        Should only be called by get methods.

        return self._retry.execute(
            lambda: self.execute_without_retry(method, params, result_parser, ignore_stale_response)

    # pyre-ignore
    def execute_without_retry(
        method: str,
        params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
        result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
        ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
        """execute JSON-RPC method call without retry any error.

        Raises InvalidServerResponse if server response does not match
        [JSON-RPC SPEC 2.0](, or response result can't be parsed.

        Raises StaleResponseError if ignore_stale_response is True, otherwise ignores it and continue.

        Raises JsonRpcError if server JSON-RPC response with error object.

        Raises NetworkError if send http request failed, or received server response status is not 200.

        request = {
            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "id": 1,
            "method": method,
            "params": params or [],
            json = self._rs.send_request(self, request, ignore_stale_response or False)
            if "error" in json:
                err = json["error"]
                raise JsonRpcError(f"{err}")

            if "result" in json:
                if result_parser:
                    return result_parser(json["result"])

            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"No error or result in response: {json}")
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise NetworkError(f"Error in connecting to server: {e}\nPlease retry...")
        except parser.ParseError as e:
            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"Parse result failed: {e}, response: {json}")

    def _send_http_request(
        url: str,
        request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any],
        ignore_stale_response: bool,
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        self._logger.debug("http request body: %s", request)
        response =, json=request, timeout=self._timeout)
        self._logger.debug("http response body: %s", response.text)
            json = response.json()
        except ValueError as e:
            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"Parse response as json failed: {e}, response: {response.text}")

        # check stable response before check jsonrpc error
        except StaleResponseError as e:
            if not ignore_stale_response:
                raise e

        return json

def _parse_obj(factory):  # pyre-ignore
    return lambda result: parser.ParseDict(result, factory(), ignore_unknown_fields=True) if result else None

def _parse_list(factory):  # pyre-ignore
    parser = _parse_obj(factory)
    return lambda result: list(map(parser, result)) if result else []


class AccountNotFoundError (*args, **kwargs)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

Expand source code
class AccountNotFoundError(ValueError):


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Client (server_url: str, session: Optional[requests.sessions.Session] = None, timeout: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, retry: Optional[Retry] = None, rs: Optional[RequestStrategy] = None, logger: Optional[logging.Logger] = None)

Diem JSON-RPC API client


Expand source code
class Client:
    """Diem JSON-RPC API client


    def __init__(
        server_url: str,
        session: typing.Optional[requests.Session] = None,
        timeout: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float]] = None,
        retry: typing.Optional[Retry] = None,
        rs: typing.Optional[RequestStrategy] = None,
        logger: typing.Optional[Logger] = None,
    ) -> None:
        self._url: str = server_url
        self._session: requests.Session = session or requests.Session()
        self._session.headers.update({"User-Agent": USER_AGENT_HTTP_HEADER})
        self._timeout: typing.Tuple[float, float] = timeout or (DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECS, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS)
        self._last_known_server_state: State = State(chain_id=-1, version=-1, timestamp_usecs=-1)
        self._lock = threading.Lock()
        self._retry: Retry = retry or Retry(DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES, DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY, StaleResponseError)
        self._rs: RequestStrategy = rs or RequestStrategy()
        self._logger: Logger = logger or getLogger(__name__)

    # high level functions

    def get_parent_vasp_account(
        self, vasp_account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> rpc.Account:
        """get parent_vasp account

        accepts child/parent vasp account address, returns parent vasp account

        raise ValueError if given account address is not ChildVASP or ParentVASP account
        raise AccountNotFoundError if no account found by given account address, or
        could not find the account by the parent_vasp_address found in ChildVASP account.

        account = self.must_get_account(vasp_account_address)

        if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_PARENT_VASP:
            return account
        if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_CHILD_VASP:
            return self.get_parent_vasp_account(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

        hex = utils.account_address_hex(vasp_account_address)
        raise ValueError(f"given account address({hex}) is not a VASP account: {account}")

    def get_base_url_and_compliance_key(
        self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> typing.Tuple[str, Ed25519PublicKey]:
        """get base_url and compliance key

        ParentVASP or Designated Dealer account role has base_url and compliance key setup, which
        are used for offchain API communication.
        account = self.must_get_account(account_address)

        if account.role.compliance_key and account.role.base_url:
            key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(bytes.fromhex(account.role.compliance_key))
            return (account.role.base_url, key)
        if account.role.parent_vasp_address:
            return self.get_base_url_and_compliance_key(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

        raise ValueError(f"could not find base_url and compliance_key from account: {account}")

    def must_get_account(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> rpc.Account:
        """must_get_account raises AccountNotFoundError if account could not be found by given address"""

        account = self.get_account(account_address)
        if account is None:
            hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
            raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")
        return account

    def get_account_sequence(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> int:
        """get on-chain account sequence number

        Calls get_account to find on-chain account information and return it's sequence.
        Raises AccountNotFoundError if get_account returns None

        account = self.get_account(account_address)
        if account is None:
            hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
            raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")

        return int(account.sequence_number)

    # low level functions

    def get_last_known_state(self) -> State:
        """get last known server state

        All JSON-RPC service response contains chain_id, latest ledger state version and
        ledger state timestamp usecs.
        Returns a state with all -1 values if the client never called server after initialized.
        Last known state is used for tracking server response, making sure we won't hit stale

        with self._lock:
            return copy.copy(self._last_known_server_state)

    def update_last_known_state(self, chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int) -> None:
        """update last known server state

        Raises InvalidServerResponse if given chain_id mismatches with previous value

        Raises StaleResponseError if version or timestamp_usecs is less than previous values

        with self._lock:
            curr = self._last_known_server_state
            if curr.chain_id != -1 and curr.chain_id != chain_id:
                raise InvalidServerResponse(f"last known chain id {curr.chain_id}, " f"but got {chain_id}")
            if curr.version > version:
                raise StaleResponseError(f"last known version {curr.version} > {version}")
            if curr.timestamp_usecs > timestamp_usecs:
                raise StaleResponseError(f"last known timestamp_usecs {curr.timestamp_usecs} > {timestamp_usecs}")

            self._last_known_server_state = State(

    def get_metadata(
        version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> rpc.Metadata:
        """get block metadata

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [int(version)] if version else []
        return self.execute("get_metadata", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Metadata()))

    def get_currencies(self) -> typing.List[rpc.CurrencyInfo]:
        """get currencies

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        return self.execute("get_currencies", [], _parse_list(lambda: rpc.CurrencyInfo()))

    def get_account(
        self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
    ) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Account]:
        """get on-chain account information

        Returns None if account not found
        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        return self.execute("get_account", [address], _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Account()))

    def get_account_transaction(
        account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
        sequence: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get on-chain account transaction by sequence number

        Returns None if transaction is not found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, int(sequence), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_account_transaction", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_account_transactions(
        account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
        sequence: int,
        limit: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get on-chain account transactions by start sequence number and limit size

        Returns empty list if no transactions found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, int(sequence), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_account_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_transactions(
        start_version: int,
        limit: int,
        include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
        """get transactions

        Returns empty list if no transactions found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [int(start_version), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
        return self.execute("get_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))

    def get_events(self, event_stream_key: str, start: int, limit: int) -> typing.List[rpc.Event]:
        """get events

        Returns empty list if no events found

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        params = [event_stream_key, int(start), int(limit)]
        return self.execute("get_events", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Event()))

    def get_state_proof(self, version: int) -> rpc.StateProof:
        params = [int(version)]
        return self.execute("get_state_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.StateProof()))

    def get_account_state_with_proof(
        account_address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
        version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
        ledger_version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> rpc.AccountStateWithProof:
        address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        params = [address, version, ledger_version]
        return self.execute("get_account_state_with_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.AccountStateWithProof()))

    def submit(
        txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str],
    ) -> None:
        """submit signed transaction

        See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

        This method ignores StaleResponseError and does not retry on any submit errors, because re-submit any transaction
        may get JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD` in multi-threads environment, for example:

        1. thread-1: submit transaction.
        2. server: receive submit transaction. The latest ledger version is X.
        3. server: receive a new state sync. The latest ledger version becomes X+1.
        4. thread-2: get_events (can be any get API).
        5. server: receive get_events. The latest ledger version is X+1.
        6. server: respond to get_events with latest ledger version == X+1.
        7. thread-2: receive get_events response.
        8. thread-2: update latest known ledger version X+1.
        9. server: respond to submit transaction with latest ledger version == X.
        10. thread-1: receive submit transaction response. Found response ledger version X < known version X+1.
        11. thread-1: triggers StaleResponseError.
        12. if we retry on StaleResponseError, the submitted transaction may end with JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD`
            if the following events happened.
        13. server: execute transaction, and the transaction sender account sequence number +1.
        14. thread-1: submit the transaction again.
        15. server: validate transaction sender account sequence number, and response SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error.
            However, the transaction was executed successfully, thus raising SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error may cause
            a re-submit with new account sequence number if client handled it improperly (without checking whether
            the transaction is executed).


        if isinstance(txn, diem_types.SignedTransaction):
            return self.submit(txn.bcs_serialize().hex())

        self.execute_without_retry("submit", [txn], result_parser=None, ignore_stale_response=True)

    def wait_for_transaction(
        self, txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str], timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None
    ) -> rpc.Transaction:
        """wait for transaction executed

        Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

        Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

        Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
        is not success.

        Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
        number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
        This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
        with same account address and sequence).

        if isinstance(txn, str):
            txn_obj = diem_types.SignedTransaction.bcs_deserialize(bytes.fromhex(txn))
            return self.wait_for_transaction(txn_obj, timeout_secs)

        return self.wait_for_transaction2(

    def wait_for_transaction2(
        address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
        seq: int,
        expiration_time_secs: int,
        txn_hash: str,
        timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
        wait_duration_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    ) -> rpc.Transaction:
        """wait for transaction executed

        Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

        Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

        Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
        is not success.

        Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
        number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
        This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
        with same account address and sequence).

        max_wait = time.time() + (timeout_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_SECS)
        while time.time() < max_wait:
            txn = self.get_account_transaction(address, seq, True)
            if txn is not None:
                if txn.hash != txn_hash:
                    raise TransactionHashMismatchError(f"expected hash {txn_hash}, but got {txn.hash}")
                if txn.vm_status.type != constants.VM_STATUS_EXECUTED:
                    raise TransactionExecutionFailed(f"VM status: {txn.vm_status}")
                return txn
            state = self.get_last_known_state()
            if expiration_time_secs * 1_000_000 <= state.timestamp_usecs:
                raise TransactionExpired(
                    f"latest server ledger timestamp_usecs {state.timestamp_usecs}, "
                    f"transaction expires at {expiration_time_secs}"
            time.sleep(wait_duration_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_WAIT_DURATION_SECS)

        raise WaitForTransactionTimeout()

    # pyre-ignore
    def execute(
        method: str,
        params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
        result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
        ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
        """execute JSON-RPC method call

        This method handles StableResponseError with retry.
        Should only be called by get methods.

        return self._retry.execute(
            lambda: self.execute_without_retry(method, params, result_parser, ignore_stale_response)

    # pyre-ignore
    def execute_without_retry(
        method: str,
        params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
        result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
        ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
        """execute JSON-RPC method call without retry any error.

        Raises InvalidServerResponse if server response does not match
        [JSON-RPC SPEC 2.0](, or response result can't be parsed.

        Raises StaleResponseError if ignore_stale_response is True, otherwise ignores it and continue.

        Raises JsonRpcError if server JSON-RPC response with error object.

        Raises NetworkError if send http request failed, or received server response status is not 200.

        request = {
            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "id": 1,
            "method": method,
            "params": params or [],
            json = self._rs.send_request(self, request, ignore_stale_response or False)
            if "error" in json:
                err = json["error"]
                raise JsonRpcError(f"{err}")

            if "result" in json:
                if result_parser:
                    return result_parser(json["result"])

            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"No error or result in response: {json}")
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise NetworkError(f"Error in connecting to server: {e}\nPlease retry...")
        except parser.ParseError as e:
            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"Parse result failed: {e}, response: {json}")

    def _send_http_request(
        url: str,
        request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any],
        ignore_stale_response: bool,
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        self._logger.debug("http request body: %s", request)
        response =, json=request, timeout=self._timeout)
        self._logger.debug("http response body: %s", response.text)
            json = response.json()
        except ValueError as e:
            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"Parse response as json failed: {e}, response: {response.text}")

        # check stable response before check jsonrpc error
        except StaleResponseError as e:
            if not ignore_stale_response:
                raise e

        return json


def execute(self, method: str, params: List[Any], result_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, ignore_stale_response: Optional[bool] = None)

execute JSON-RPC method call

This method handles StableResponseError with retry. Should only be called by get methods.

Expand source code
def execute(
    method: str,
    params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
    result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
    ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    """execute JSON-RPC method call

    This method handles StableResponseError with retry.
    Should only be called by get methods.

    return self._retry.execute(
        lambda: self.execute_without_retry(method, params, result_parser, ignore_stale_response)
def execute_without_retry(self, method: str, params: List[Any], result_parser: Optional[Callable] = None, ignore_stale_response: Optional[bool] = None)

execute JSON-RPC method call without retry any error.

Raises InvalidServerResponse if server response does not match JSON-RPC SPEC 2.0, or response result can't be parsed.

Raises StaleResponseError if ignore_stale_response is True, otherwise ignores it and continue.

Raises JsonRpcError if server JSON-RPC response with error object.

Raises NetworkError if send http request failed, or received server response status is not 200.

Expand source code
def execute_without_retry(
    method: str,
    params: typing.List[typing.Any],  # pyre-ignore
    result_parser: typing.Optional[typing.Callable] = None,  # pyre-ignore
    ignore_stale_response: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
    """execute JSON-RPC method call without retry any error.

    Raises InvalidServerResponse if server response does not match
    [JSON-RPC SPEC 2.0](, or response result can't be parsed.

    Raises StaleResponseError if ignore_stale_response is True, otherwise ignores it and continue.

    Raises JsonRpcError if server JSON-RPC response with error object.

    Raises NetworkError if send http request failed, or received server response status is not 200.

    request = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": method,
        "params": params or [],
        json = self._rs.send_request(self, request, ignore_stale_response or False)
        if "error" in json:
            err = json["error"]
            raise JsonRpcError(f"{err}")

        if "result" in json:
            if result_parser:
                return result_parser(json["result"])

        raise InvalidServerResponse(f"No error or result in response: {json}")
    except requests.RequestException as e:
        raise NetworkError(f"Error in connecting to server: {e}\nPlease retry...")
    except parser.ParseError as e:
        raise InvalidServerResponse(f"Parse result failed: {e}, response: {json}")
def get_account(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str]) ‑> Optional[jsonrpc_pb2.Account]

get on-chain account information

Returns None if account not found See JSON-RPC API Doc

Expand source code
def get_account(
    self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Account]:
    """get on-chain account information

    Returns None if account not found
    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
    return self.execute("get_account", [address], _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Account()))
def get_account_sequence(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str]) ‑> int

get on-chain account sequence number

Calls get_account to find on-chain account information and return it's sequence. Raises AccountNotFoundError if get_account returns None

Expand source code
def get_account_sequence(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> int:
    """get on-chain account sequence number

    Calls get_account to find on-chain account information and return it's sequence.
    Raises AccountNotFoundError if get_account returns None

    account = self.get_account(account_address)
    if account is None:
        hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")

    return int(account.sequence_number)
def get_account_state_with_proof(self, account_address: AccountAddress, version: Optional[int] = None, ledger_version: Optional[int] = None) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.AccountStateWithProof
Expand source code
def get_account_state_with_proof(
    account_address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
    version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
    ledger_version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> rpc.AccountStateWithProof:
    address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
    params = [address, version, ledger_version]
    return self.execute("get_account_state_with_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.AccountStateWithProof()))
def get_account_transaction(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str], sequence: int, include_events: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> Optional[jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction]

get on-chain account transaction by sequence number

Returns None if transaction is not found


Expand source code
def get_account_transaction(
    account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
    sequence: int,
    include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> typing.Optional[rpc.Transaction]:
    """get on-chain account transaction by sequence number

    Returns None if transaction is not found

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
    params = [address, int(sequence), bool(include_events)]
    return self.execute("get_account_transaction", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))
def get_account_transactions(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str], sequence: int, limit: int, include_events: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> List[jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction]

get on-chain account transactions by start sequence number and limit size

Returns empty list if no transactions found


Expand source code
def get_account_transactions(
    account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str],
    sequence: int,
    limit: int,
    include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
    """get on-chain account transactions by start sequence number and limit size

    Returns empty list if no transactions found

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    address = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
    params = [address, int(sequence), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
    return self.execute("get_account_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))
def get_base_url_and_compliance_key(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str]) ‑> Tuple[str, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey]

get base_url and compliance key

ParentVASP or Designated Dealer account role has base_url and compliance key setup, which are used for offchain API communication.

Expand source code
def get_base_url_and_compliance_key(
    self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
) -> typing.Tuple[str, Ed25519PublicKey]:
    """get base_url and compliance key

    ParentVASP or Designated Dealer account role has base_url and compliance key setup, which
    are used for offchain API communication.
    account = self.must_get_account(account_address)

    if account.role.compliance_key and account.role.base_url:
        key = Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(bytes.fromhex(account.role.compliance_key))
        return (account.role.base_url, key)
    if account.role.parent_vasp_address:
        return self.get_base_url_and_compliance_key(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

    raise ValueError(f"could not find base_url and compliance_key from account: {account}")
def get_currencies(self) ‑> List[jsonrpc_pb2.CurrencyInfo]

get currencies


Expand source code
def get_currencies(self) -> typing.List[rpc.CurrencyInfo]:
    """get currencies

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    return self.execute("get_currencies", [], _parse_list(lambda: rpc.CurrencyInfo()))
def get_events(self, event_stream_key: str, start: int, limit: int) ‑> List[jsonrpc_pb2.Event]

get events

Returns empty list if no events found


Expand source code
def get_events(self, event_stream_key: str, start: int, limit: int) -> typing.List[rpc.Event]:
    """get events

    Returns empty list if no events found

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    params = [event_stream_key, int(start), int(limit)]
    return self.execute("get_events", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Event()))
def get_last_known_state(self) ‑> State

get last known server state

All JSON-RPC service response contains chain_id, latest ledger state version and ledger state timestamp usecs. Returns a state with all -1 values if the client never called server after initialized. Last known state is used for tracking server response, making sure we won't hit stale server.

Expand source code
def get_last_known_state(self) -> State:
    """get last known server state

    All JSON-RPC service response contains chain_id, latest ledger state version and
    ledger state timestamp usecs.
    Returns a state with all -1 values if the client never called server after initialized.
    Last known state is used for tracking server response, making sure we won't hit stale

    with self._lock:
        return copy.copy(self._last_known_server_state)
def get_metadata(self, version: Optional[int] = None) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Metadata

get block metadata


Expand source code
def get_metadata(
    version: typing.Optional[int] = None,
) -> rpc.Metadata:
    """get block metadata

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    params = [int(version)] if version else []
    return self.execute("get_metadata", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.Metadata()))
def get_parent_vasp_account(self, vasp_account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str]) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Account

get parent_vasp account

accepts child/parent vasp account address, returns parent vasp account

raise ValueError if given account address is not ChildVASP or ParentVASP account address raise AccountNotFoundError if no account found by given account address, or could not find the account by the parent_vasp_address found in ChildVASP account.

Expand source code
def get_parent_vasp_account(
    self, vasp_account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]
) -> rpc.Account:
    """get parent_vasp account

    accepts child/parent vasp account address, returns parent vasp account

    raise ValueError if given account address is not ChildVASP or ParentVASP account
    raise AccountNotFoundError if no account found by given account address, or
    could not find the account by the parent_vasp_address found in ChildVASP account.

    account = self.must_get_account(vasp_account_address)

    if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_PARENT_VASP:
        return account
    if account.role.type == constants.ACCOUNT_ROLE_CHILD_VASP:
        return self.get_parent_vasp_account(account.role.parent_vasp_address)

    hex = utils.account_address_hex(vasp_account_address)
    raise ValueError(f"given account address({hex}) is not a VASP account: {account}")
def get_state_proof(self, version: int) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.StateProof
Expand source code
def get_state_proof(self, version: int) -> rpc.StateProof:
    params = [int(version)]
    return self.execute("get_state_proof", params, _parse_obj(lambda: rpc.StateProof()))
def get_transactions(self, start_version: int, limit: int, include_events: Optional[bool] = None) ‑> List[jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction]

get transactions

Returns empty list if no transactions found


Expand source code
def get_transactions(
    start_version: int,
    limit: int,
    include_events: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
) -> typing.List[rpc.Transaction]:
    """get transactions

    Returns empty list if no transactions found

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    params = [int(start_version), int(limit), bool(include_events)]
    return self.execute("get_transactions", params, _parse_list(lambda: rpc.Transaction()))
def must_get_account(self, account_address: Union[AccountAddress, str]) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Account

must_get_account raises AccountNotFoundError if account could not be found by given address

Expand source code
def must_get_account(self, account_address: typing.Union[diem_types.AccountAddress, str]) -> rpc.Account:
    """must_get_account raises AccountNotFoundError if account could not be found by given address"""

    account = self.get_account(account_address)
    if account is None:
        hex = utils.account_address_hex(account_address)
        raise AccountNotFoundError(f"account not found by address: {hex}")
    return account
def submit(self, txn: Union[SignedTransaction, str]) ‑> NoneType

submit signed transaction


This method ignores StaleResponseError and does not retry on any submit errors, because re-submit any transaction may get JsonRpcError SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD in multi-threads environment, for example:

  1. thread-1: submit transaction.
  2. server: receive submit transaction. The latest ledger version is X.
  3. server: receive a new state sync. The latest ledger version becomes X+1.
  4. thread-2: get_events (can be any get API).
  5. server: receive get_events. The latest ledger version is X+1.
  6. server: respond to get_events with latest ledger version == X+1.
  7. thread-2: receive get_events response.
  8. thread-2: update latest known ledger version X+1.
  9. server: respond to submit transaction with latest ledger version == X.
  10. thread-1: receive submit transaction response. Found response ledger version X < known version X+1.
  11. thread-1: triggers StaleResponseError.
  12. if we retry on StaleResponseError, the submitted transaction may end with JsonRpcError SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD if the following events happened.
  13. server: execute transaction, and the transaction sender account sequence number +1.
  14. thread-1: submit the transaction again.
  15. server: validate transaction sender account sequence number, and response SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error. However, the transaction was executed successfully, thus raising SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error may cause a re-submit with new account sequence number if client handled it improperly (without checking whether the transaction is executed).
Expand source code
def submit(
    txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str],
) -> None:
    """submit signed transaction

    See [JSON-RPC API Doc](

    This method ignores StaleResponseError and does not retry on any submit errors, because re-submit any transaction
    may get JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD` in multi-threads environment, for example:

    1. thread-1: submit transaction.
    2. server: receive submit transaction. The latest ledger version is X.
    3. server: receive a new state sync. The latest ledger version becomes X+1.
    4. thread-2: get_events (can be any get API).
    5. server: receive get_events. The latest ledger version is X+1.
    6. server: respond to get_events with latest ledger version == X+1.
    7. thread-2: receive get_events response.
    8. thread-2: update latest known ledger version X+1.
    9. server: respond to submit transaction with latest ledger version == X.
    10. thread-1: receive submit transaction response. Found response ledger version X < known version X+1.
    11. thread-1: triggers StaleResponseError.
    12. if we retry on StaleResponseError, the submitted transaction may end with JsonRpcError `SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD`
        if the following events happened.
    13. server: execute transaction, and the transaction sender account sequence number +1.
    14. thread-1: submit the transaction again.
    15. server: validate transaction sender account sequence number, and response SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error.
        However, the transaction was executed successfully, thus raising SEQUENCE_NUMBER_TOO_OLD error may cause
        a re-submit with new account sequence number if client handled it improperly (without checking whether
        the transaction is executed).


    if isinstance(txn, diem_types.SignedTransaction):
        return self.submit(txn.bcs_serialize().hex())

    self.execute_without_retry("submit", [txn], result_parser=None, ignore_stale_response=True)
def update_last_known_state(self, chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int) ‑> NoneType

update last known server state

Raises InvalidServerResponse if given chain_id mismatches with previous value

Raises StaleResponseError if version or timestamp_usecs is less than previous values

Expand source code
def update_last_known_state(self, chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int) -> None:
    """update last known server state

    Raises InvalidServerResponse if given chain_id mismatches with previous value

    Raises StaleResponseError if version or timestamp_usecs is less than previous values

    with self._lock:
        curr = self._last_known_server_state
        if curr.chain_id != -1 and curr.chain_id != chain_id:
            raise InvalidServerResponse(f"last known chain id {curr.chain_id}, " f"but got {chain_id}")
        if curr.version > version:
            raise StaleResponseError(f"last known version {curr.version} > {version}")
        if curr.timestamp_usecs > timestamp_usecs:
            raise StaleResponseError(f"last known timestamp_usecs {curr.timestamp_usecs} > {timestamp_usecs}")

        self._last_known_server_state = State(
def wait_for_transaction(self, txn: Union[SignedTransaction, str], timeout_secs: Optional[float] = None) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction

wait for transaction executed

Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction expiration_timestamp_secs.

Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result) is not success.

Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter. This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction with same account address and sequence).

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def wait_for_transaction(
    self, txn: typing.Union[diem_types.SignedTransaction, str], timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None
) -> rpc.Transaction:
    """wait for transaction executed

    Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

    Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

    Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
    is not success.

    Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
    number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
    This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
    with same account address and sequence).

    if isinstance(txn, str):
        txn_obj = diem_types.SignedTransaction.bcs_deserialize(bytes.fromhex(txn))
        return self.wait_for_transaction(txn_obj, timeout_secs)

    return self.wait_for_transaction2(
def wait_for_transaction2(self, address: AccountAddress, seq: int, expiration_time_secs: int, txn_hash: str, timeout_secs: Optional[float] = None, wait_duration_secs: Optional[float] = None) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction

wait for transaction executed

Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction expiration_timestamp_secs.

Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result) is not success.

Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter. This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction with same account address and sequence).

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def wait_for_transaction2(
    address: diem_types.AccountAddress,
    seq: int,
    expiration_time_secs: int,
    txn_hash: str,
    timeout_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
    wait_duration_secs: typing.Optional[float] = None,
) -> rpc.Transaction:
    """wait for transaction executed

    Raises WaitForTransactionTimeout if waited timeout_secs and no expected transaction found.

    Raises TransactionExpired if server responses new block timestamp is after signed transaction

    Raises TransactionExecutionFailed if found transaction and it's vm_status (execution result)
    is not success.

    Raises TransactionHashMismatchError if found transaction by account address and sequence
    number, but the transaction hash does not match the transactoin hash given in parameter.
    This means the executed transaction is from another process (which submitted transaction
    with same account address and sequence).

    max_wait = time.time() + (timeout_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_SECS)
    while time.time() < max_wait:
        txn = self.get_account_transaction(address, seq, True)
        if txn is not None:
            if txn.hash != txn_hash:
                raise TransactionHashMismatchError(f"expected hash {txn_hash}, but got {txn.hash}")
            if txn.vm_status.type != constants.VM_STATUS_EXECUTED:
                raise TransactionExecutionFailed(f"VM status: {txn.vm_status}")
            return txn
        state = self.get_last_known_state()
        if expiration_time_secs * 1_000_000 <= state.timestamp_usecs:
            raise TransactionExpired(
                f"latest server ledger timestamp_usecs {state.timestamp_usecs}, "
                f"transaction expires at {expiration_time_secs}"
        time.sleep(wait_duration_secs or DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSACTION_WAIT_DURATION_SECS)

    raise WaitForTransactionTimeout()
class InvalidServerResponse (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class InvalidServerResponse(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class JsonRpcError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class JsonRpcError(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class NetworkError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class NetworkError(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class RequestStrategy

RequestStrategy base class

It implements the simplest strategy: direct send http request

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class RequestStrategy:
    """RequestStrategy base class

    It implements the simplest strategy: direct send http request

    def send_request(
        self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        return client._send_http_request(client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)



def send_request(self, client: Client, request: Dict[str, Any], ignore_stale_response: bool) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
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def send_request(
    self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
    return client._send_http_request(client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)
class RequestWithBackups (backups: List[str], executor: concurrent.futures.thread.ThreadPoolExecutor, fallback: bool = False)

RequestWithBackups implements strategies for primary-backup model.

First we send same request to primary and one of random picked backup urls in parallel. Then we have 2 different strategies for how we handle responses:

  1. first success: return first completed success response.
  2. fallback: wait for primary response completed, if it failed, fallback to backup response.

Default is first success strategy, passing fallback=True in constructor to enable fallback strategy.

Errors cause failures:

  1. http request error
  2. http response error
  3. response body is not json
  4. StaleResponseError: this is included for making sure we always prefer to pick non-stale response.

Initialize Client:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from diem import jsonrpc

# This controls how many concurrent requests we can sent. It is shared for all jsonrpc.Client requests.
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(5)
    rs=jsonrpc.RequestWithBackups(backups=[<backup-json-rpc-server-url>...], executor=executor),
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class RequestWithBackups(RequestStrategy):
    """RequestWithBackups implements strategies for primary-backup model.

    First we send same request to primary and one of random picked backup urls in parallel.
    Then we have 2 different strategies for how we handle responses:

    1. first success: return first completed success response.
    2. fallback: wait for primary response completed, if it failed, fallback to backup response.

    Default is first success strategy, passing fallback=True in constructor to enable fallback strategy.

    Errors cause failures:

    1. http request error
    2. http response error
    3. response body is not json
    4. StaleResponseError: this is included for making sure we always prefer to pick non-stale response.

    Initialize Client:

    from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
    from diem import jsonrpc

    # This controls how many concurrent requests we can sent. It is shared for all jsonrpc.Client requests.
    executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(5)
        rs=jsonrpc.RequestWithBackups(backups=[<backup-json-rpc-server-url>...], executor=executor),

    def __init__(
        backups: typing.List[str],
        executor: ThreadPoolExecutor,
        fallback: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self._backups = backups
        self._executor = executor
        self._fallback = fallback

    def send_request(
        self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
    ) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        primary = self._executor.submit(client._send_http_request, client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)
        backup = self._executor.submit(
            client._send_http_request, random.choice(self._backups), request, ignore_stale_response

        if self._fallback:
            return self._fallback_to_backup(primary, backup)
        return self._first_success(primary, backup)

    def _fallback_to_backup(self, primary: Future, backup: Future) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
            return primary.result()
        except Exception:
            return backup.result()

    def _first_success(self, primary: Future, backup: Future) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
        futures = as_completed({primary, backup})
        first = next(futures)
            return first.result()
        except Exception:
            return next(futures).result()



def send_request(self, client: Client, request: Dict[str, Any], ignore_stale_response: bool) ‑> Dict[str, Any]
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def send_request(
    self, client: "Client", request: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], ignore_stale_response: bool
) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
    primary = self._executor.submit(client._send_http_request, client._url, request, ignore_stale_response)
    backup = self._executor.submit(
        client._send_http_request, random.choice(self._backups), request, ignore_stale_response

    if self._fallback:
        return self._fallback_to_backup(primary, backup)
    return self._first_success(primary, backup)
class Retry (max_retries: int, delay_secs: float, exception: Type[Exception])

Retry(max_retries: int, delay_secs: float, exception: Type[Exception])

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class Retry:
    max_retries: int
    delay_secs: float
    exception: typing.Type[Exception]

    def execute(self, fn: typing.Callable):  # pyre-ignore
        tries = 0
        while tries < self.max_retries:
            tries += 1
                return fn()
            except self.exception as e:
                if tries < self.max_retries:
                    # simplest backoff strategy: tries * delay
                    time.sleep(self.delay_secs * tries)
                    raise e

Class variables

var delay_secs : float
var exception : Type[Exception]
var max_retries : int


def execute(self, fn: Callable)
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def execute(self, fn: typing.Callable):  # pyre-ignore
    tries = 0
    while tries < self.max_retries:
        tries += 1
            return fn()
        except self.exception as e:
            if tries < self.max_retries:
                # simplest backoff strategy: tries * delay
                time.sleep(self.delay_secs * tries)
                raise e
class StaleResponseError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class StaleResponseError(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class State (chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int)

State(chain_id: int, version: int, timestamp_usecs: int)

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class State:
    chain_id: int
    version: int
    timestamp_usecs: int

Class variables

var chain_id : int
var timestamp_usecs : int
var version : int
class TransactionExecutionFailed (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class TransactionExecutionFailed(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class TransactionExpired (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class TransactionExpired(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class TransactionHashMismatchError (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class TransactionHashMismatchError(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class WaitForTransactionTimeout (*args, **kwargs)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class WaitForTransactionTimeout(Exception):


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException