Module diem.offchain.state

This module defines a state machine and data match utils classes for creating conditional states.

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""This module defines a state machine and data match utils classes for creating conditional states."""

import dataclasses, typing, abc

S = typing.TypeVar("S")
T = typing.TypeVar("T")

class MatchResult:
    success: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False)
    matched_fields: typing.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [])
    mismatched_fields: typing.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [])

    def create(success: bool, fields: typing.List[str]) -> "MatchResult":
        return MatchResult(
            matched_fields=fields if success else [],
            mismatched_fields=fields if not success else [],

    def merge(ret1: "MatchResult", ret2: "MatchResult") -> "MatchResult":
        return dataclasses.replace(
            success=ret1.success and ret2.success,
            matched_fields=ret1.matched_fields + ret2.matched_fields,
            mismatched_fields=ret1.mismatched_fields + ret2.mismatched_fields,

class Condition(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[T]):
    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:

class Field(Condition[T]):
    path: str
    not_set: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        val = event_data
        for f in self.path.split("."):
            if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
                return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
            val = getattr(val, f)

        if self.not_set:
            return MatchResult.create(val is None, [self.path])
        return MatchResult.create(val is not None, [self.path])

class Value(typing.Generic[T, S], Condition[T]):
    path: str
    value: S

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        val = event_data
        for f in self.path.split("."):
            if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
                return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
            val = getattr(val, f)
        return MatchResult.create(val == self.value, [self.path])

class ConditionValidationError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, validation: Condition[T], match_result: MatchResult) -> None:
        super().__init__(f"mismatch result: {match_result}")
        self.validation = validation
        self.match_result = match_result

class Require(Condition[T]):
    conds: typing.List[Condition[T]]
    validation: typing.Optional[Condition[T]] = dataclasses.field(default=None)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        ret = MatchResult(success=True)
        for cond in self.conds:
            ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, cond.match(event_data))

        if ret.success and self.validation:
            ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, self.validation.match(event_data))
            if not ret.success:
                raise ConditionValidationError(self.validation, ret)

        return ret

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(tuple(self.conds))

class State(typing.Generic[T]):
    id: str
    require: typing.Optional[Require[T]] = dataclasses.field(default=None)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        if self.require:
            return self.require.match(event_data)
        return MatchResult(success=True)

    def __str__(self) -> str:

class Transition(typing.Generic[T]):
    action: str
    state: State[T]
    to: State[T]

class NoStateMatchedError(ValueError):

class TooManyStatesMatchedError(ValueError):

class Machine(typing.Generic[T]):
    initials: typing.List[State[T]]
    states: typing.List[State[T]]
    transitions: typing.List[Transition[T]]

    def is_initial(self, state: State[T]) -> bool:
        return state in self.initials

    def is_valid_transition(self, state: State[T], to: State[T], event_data: T) -> bool:
        for t in self.transitions:
            if t.state == state and == to:
                return True
        return False

    def match_state(self, event_data: T) -> State[T]:
        ret = self.match_states(event_data)
        if not ret:
            raise NoStateMatchedError(f"could not find state matches given event data({event_data})")
        if len(ret) > 1:
            raise TooManyStatesMatchedError(f"found multiple states({ret}) match given event data({event_data})")
        return ret[0]

    def match_states(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[State[T]]:
        return [state for state, match in self.match_states_and_results(event_data) if match.success]

    def match_states_and_results(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[State[T], MatchResult]]:
        return [(state, state.match(event_data)) for state in self.states]

def new_transition(state: State[T], to: State[T]) -> Transition[T]:
    return Transition(action=f"{state} -> {to}", state=state, to=to)

def require(*args: Condition[T], validation: typing.Optional[Condition[T]] = None) -> Require[T]:
    return Require(conds=list(args), validation=validation)

def build_machine(transitions: typing.List[Transition[T]]) -> Machine[T]:
    states = {}
    tos = {}
    for t in transitions:
        states[] = t.state
        states[] =
        tos[] =

    initial_ids = set(states.keys()) - set(tos.keys())
    return Machine(
        initials=[states[id] for id in initial_ids],


def build_machine(transitions: List[Transition[~T]]) ‑> Machine[~T]
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def build_machine(transitions: typing.List[Transition[T]]) -> Machine[T]:
    states = {}
    tos = {}
    for t in transitions:
        states[] = t.state
        states[] =
        tos[] =

    initial_ids = set(states.keys()) - set(tos.keys())
    return Machine(
        initials=[states[id] for id in initial_ids],
def new_transition(state: State[~T], to: State[~T]) ‑> Transition[~T]
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def new_transition(state: State[T], to: State[T]) -> Transition[T]:
    return Transition(action=f"{state} -> {to}", state=state, to=to)
def require(*args: Condition[~T], validation: Optional[Condition[~T]] = None) ‑> Require[~T]
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def require(*args: Condition[T], validation: typing.Optional[Condition[T]] = None) -> Require[T]:
    return Require(conds=list(args), validation=validation)


class Condition

Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.

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class Condition(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[T]):
    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:


  • abc.ABC
  • typing.Generic



def match(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> MatchResult
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def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
class ConditionValidationError (validation: Condition[~T], match_result: MatchResult)

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

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class ConditionValidationError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, validation: Condition[T], match_result: MatchResult) -> None:
        super().__init__(f"mismatch result: {match_result}")
        self.validation = validation
        self.match_result = match_result


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Field (path: str, not_set: bool = False)

Field(path: str, not_set: bool = False)

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class Field(Condition[T]):
    path: str
    not_set: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        val = event_data
        for f in self.path.split("."):
            if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
                return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
            val = getattr(val, f)

        if self.not_set:
            return MatchResult.create(val is None, [self.path])
        return MatchResult.create(val is not None, [self.path])


Class variables

var not_set : bool
var path : str


def match(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> MatchResult
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def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
    val = event_data
    for f in self.path.split("."):
        if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
            return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
        val = getattr(val, f)

    if self.not_set:
        return MatchResult.create(val is None, [self.path])
    return MatchResult.create(val is not None, [self.path])
class Machine (initials: List[State[~T]], states: List[State[~T]], transitions: List[Transition[~T]])

Machine(initials: List[diem.offchain.state.State[~T]], states: List[diem.offchain.state.State[~T]], transitions: List[diem.offchain.state.Transition[~T]])

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class Machine(typing.Generic[T]):
    initials: typing.List[State[T]]
    states: typing.List[State[T]]
    transitions: typing.List[Transition[T]]

    def is_initial(self, state: State[T]) -> bool:
        return state in self.initials

    def is_valid_transition(self, state: State[T], to: State[T], event_data: T) -> bool:
        for t in self.transitions:
            if t.state == state and == to:
                return True
        return False

    def match_state(self, event_data: T) -> State[T]:
        ret = self.match_states(event_data)
        if not ret:
            raise NoStateMatchedError(f"could not find state matches given event data({event_data})")
        if len(ret) > 1:
            raise TooManyStatesMatchedError(f"found multiple states({ret}) match given event data({event_data})")
        return ret[0]

    def match_states(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[State[T]]:
        return [state for state, match in self.match_states_and_results(event_data) if match.success]

    def match_states_and_results(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[State[T], MatchResult]]:
        return [(state, state.match(event_data)) for state in self.states]


  • typing.Generic

Class variables

var initials : List[State[~T]]
var states : List[State[~T]]
var transitions : List[Transition[~T]]


def is_initial(self, state: State[~T]) ‑> bool
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def is_initial(self, state: State[T]) -> bool:
    return state in self.initials
def is_valid_transition(self, state: State[~T], to: State[~T], event_data: ~T) ‑> bool
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def is_valid_transition(self, state: State[T], to: State[T], event_data: T) -> bool:
    for t in self.transitions:
        if t.state == state and == to:
            return True
    return False
def match_state(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> State[~T]
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def match_state(self, event_data: T) -> State[T]:
    ret = self.match_states(event_data)
    if not ret:
        raise NoStateMatchedError(f"could not find state matches given event data({event_data})")
    if len(ret) > 1:
        raise TooManyStatesMatchedError(f"found multiple states({ret}) match given event data({event_data})")
    return ret[0]
def match_states(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> List[State[~T]]
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def match_states(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[State[T]]:
    return [state for state, match in self.match_states_and_results(event_data) if match.success]
def match_states_and_results(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> List[Tuple[State[~T], MatchResult]]
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def match_states_and_results(self, event_data: T) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[State[T], MatchResult]]:
    return [(state, state.match(event_data)) for state in self.states]
class MatchResult (success: bool = False, matched_fields: List[str] = <factory>, mismatched_fields: List[str] = <factory>)

MatchResult(success: bool = False, matched_fields: List[str] = , mismatched_fields: List[str] = )

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class MatchResult:
    success: bool = dataclasses.field(default=False)
    matched_fields: typing.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [])
    mismatched_fields: typing.List[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: [])

    def create(success: bool, fields: typing.List[str]) -> "MatchResult":
        return MatchResult(
            matched_fields=fields if success else [],
            mismatched_fields=fields if not success else [],

    def merge(ret1: "MatchResult", ret2: "MatchResult") -> "MatchResult":
        return dataclasses.replace(
            success=ret1.success and ret2.success,
            matched_fields=ret1.matched_fields + ret2.matched_fields,
            mismatched_fields=ret1.mismatched_fields + ret2.mismatched_fields,

Class variables

var matched_fields : List[str]
var mismatched_fields : List[str]
var success : bool

Static methods

def create(success: bool, fields: List[str]) ‑> MatchResult
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def create(success: bool, fields: typing.List[str]) -> "MatchResult":
    return MatchResult(
        matched_fields=fields if success else [],
        mismatched_fields=fields if not success else [],
def merge(ret1: MatchResult, ret2: MatchResult) ‑> MatchResult
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def merge(ret1: "MatchResult", ret2: "MatchResult") -> "MatchResult":
    return dataclasses.replace(
        success=ret1.success and ret2.success,
        matched_fields=ret1.matched_fields + ret2.matched_fields,
        mismatched_fields=ret1.mismatched_fields + ret2.mismatched_fields,
class NoStateMatchedError (*args, **kwargs)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

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class NoStateMatchedError(ValueError):


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Require (conds: List[Condition[~T]], validation: Optional[Condition[~T]] = None)

Require(conds: List[diem.offchain.state.Condition[~T]], validation: Optional[diem.offchain.state.Condition[~T]] = None)

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class Require(Condition[T]):
    conds: typing.List[Condition[T]]
    validation: typing.Optional[Condition[T]] = dataclasses.field(default=None)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        ret = MatchResult(success=True)
        for cond in self.conds:
            ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, cond.match(event_data))

        if ret.success and self.validation:
            ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, self.validation.match(event_data))
            if not ret.success:
                raise ConditionValidationError(self.validation, ret)

        return ret

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        return hash(tuple(self.conds))


Class variables

var conds : List[Condition[~T]]
var validation : Optional[Condition[~T]]


def match(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> MatchResult
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def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
    ret = MatchResult(success=True)
    for cond in self.conds:
        ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, cond.match(event_data))

    if ret.success and self.validation:
        ret = MatchResult.merge(ret, self.validation.match(event_data))
        if not ret.success:
            raise ConditionValidationError(self.validation, ret)

    return ret
class State (id: str, require: Optional[Require[~T]] = None)

State(id: str, require: Optional[diem.offchain.state.Require[~T]] = None)

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class State(typing.Generic[T]):
    id: str
    require: typing.Optional[Require[T]] = dataclasses.field(default=None)

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        if self.require:
            return self.require.match(event_data)
        return MatchResult(success=True)

    def __str__(self) -> str:


  • typing.Generic

Class variables

var id : str
var require : Optional[Require[~T]]


def match(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> MatchResult
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def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
    if self.require:
        return self.require.match(event_data)
    return MatchResult(success=True)
class TooManyStatesMatchedError (*args, **kwargs)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

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class TooManyStatesMatchedError(ValueError):


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Transition (action: str, state: State[~T], to: State[~T])

Transition(action: str, state: diem.offchain.state.State[~T], to: diem.offchain.state.State[~T])

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class Transition(typing.Generic[T]):
    action: str
    state: State[T]
    to: State[T]


  • typing.Generic

Class variables

var action : str
var stateState[~T]
var toState[~T]
class Value (path: str, value: ~S)

Value(path: str, value: ~S)

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class Value(typing.Generic[T, S], Condition[T]):
    path: str
    value: S

    def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
        val = event_data
        for f in self.path.split("."):
            if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
                return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
            val = getattr(val, f)
        return MatchResult.create(val == self.value, [self.path])


Class variables

var path : str
var value : ~S


def match(self, event_data: ~T) ‑> MatchResult
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def match(self, event_data: T) -> MatchResult:
    val = event_data
    for f in self.path.split("."):
        if val is None or not hasattr(val, f):
            return MatchResult.create(False, [self.path])
        val = getattr(val, f)
    return MatchResult.create(val == self.value, [self.path])