Module diem.offchain.types.command_types

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import re
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass, field as datafield

UUID_REGEX: typing.Pattern[str] = re.compile(
    "^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$", re.IGNORECASE

class CommandType:
    PaymentCommand = "PaymentCommand"
    FundPullPreApprovalCommand = "FundPullPreApprovalCommand"
    PingCommand = "PingCommand"
    ReferenceIDCommand = "ReferenceIDCommand"

class CommandResponseStatus:
    success = "success"
    failure = "failure"

class ErrorCode:
    # PaymentActionObject#amount is under travel rule threshold, no kyc needed for
    # the transaction
    no_kyc_needed = "no_kyc_needed"

    # can't transit from prior payment to new payment
    invalid_transition = "invalid_transition"

    # the producer of the command is not right actor, for example:
    # if next actor to change the payment is sender, but receiver send a new command
    # with payment object change.
    # question: should we allow it for the case like appending metadata?
    invalid_command_producer = "invalid_command_producer"

    # object is not valid, type does not match
    invalid_object = "invalid_object"
    # missing required field, field value is required for a specific state
    # for example:
    #     1. when sender init the request, kyc_data is missing, or
    #     2. set sender#status#status to none at any time.
    missing_field = "missing_field"
    # field value type is wrong
    # field value is not one of expected values
    invalid_field_value = "invalid_field_value"
    unknown_field = "unknown_field"

    # request content is not valid json
    invalid_json = "invalid_json"

    # decode JWS content failed
    invalid_jws = "invalid_jws"
    # validate JWS signature failed
    invalid_jws_signature = "invalid_jws_signature"

    # request comment_type value is unknown
    unknown_command_type = "unknown_command_type"

    # 1. could not find actor's onchain account by address
    # 2. none of actor addresses is server's (parent / child) vasp or dd address
    unknown_address = "unknown_address"

    # overwrite write once / immutable field value
    invalid_overwrite = "invalid_overwrite"

    # could not find command by reference_id for a non-initial command
    invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found = "invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found"

    # the command is conflict with another command updating in progress by reference id
    conflict = "conflict"

    missing_http_header = "missing_http_header"
    invalid_http_header = "invalid_http_header"
    invalid_recipient_signature = "invalid_recipient_signature"

    # Field payment.action.currency value is a valid Diem currency code, but it is not supported / acceptable by the receiver VASP.
    unsupported_currency = "unsupported_currency"

    # Duplicate Reference ID was rejected by the receiving end
    duplicate_reference_id = "duplicate_reference_id"

    # Receiving end could not find the user with the given user_identifier
    invalid_receiver = "invalid_receiver"

class OffChainErrorType:
    """command_error occurs in response to a Command failing to be applied -
    for example, invalid _reads values, or high level validation errors.
    protocol_error occurs in response to a failure related to the lower-level protocol.

    command_error = "command_error"
    protocol_error = "protocol_error"

class OffChainCommandResponseResultType:
    """ Type of result in a CommandResponseObject"""

    ReferenceIDCommandResponse = "ReferenceIDCommandResponse"

class FundPullPreApprovalCommandObject:
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": [CommandType.FundPullPreApprovalCommand]})

class CommandRequestObject:
    # A unique identifier for the Command.
    cid: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": UUID_REGEX})
    # A string representing the type of Command contained in the request.
    command_type: str
    command: dict  # pyre-ignore
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(default="CommandRequestObject", metadata={"valid-values": ["CommandRequestObject"]})

class OffChainErrorObject:
    # Either "command_error" or "protocol_error".
    type: str = datafield(
            "valid-values": [
    # The error code of the corresponding error
    code: str
    # The field on which this error occurred
    field: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)
    # Additional details about this error
    message: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)

class ReferenceIDCommandResultObject:
    # ReferenceIDCommandResponse: Receiver's onchain account identifier
    receiver_address: str
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(
            "valid-values": [

class CommandResponseObject:
    # Either success or failure.
    status: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": [CommandResponseStatus.success, CommandResponseStatus.failure]})
    # The fixed string CommandResponseObject.
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(default="CommandResponseObject", metadata={"valid-values": ["CommandResponseObject"]})
    # Details on errors when status == "failure"
    error: typing.Optional[OffChainErrorObject] = datafield(default=None)
    # The Command identifier to which this is a response.
    cid: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)
    # An result JSON object that may be defined when status == "success"
    result: typing.Optional[dict] = datafield(default=None)  # pyre-ignore

class ReferenceIDCommandObject:
    # Sender's full DiemID
    sender: str
    # Sender's onchain account identifier with subaddress set to `None` or the zero subaddress
    sender_address: str
    # Receiver's full DiemID
    receiver: str
    # Reference ID of this transaction
    reference_id: str
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(
        default=CommandType.ReferenceIDCommand, metadata={"valid-values": [CommandType.ReferenceIDCommand]}


class CommandRequestObject (cid: str, command_type: str, command: dict)

CommandRequestObject(cid: str, command_type: str, command: dict, _ObjectType: str = 'CommandRequestObject')

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class CommandRequestObject:
    # A unique identifier for the Command.
    cid: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": UUID_REGEX})
    # A string representing the type of Command contained in the request.
    command_type: str
    command: dict  # pyre-ignore
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(default="CommandRequestObject", metadata={"valid-values": ["CommandRequestObject"]})

Class variables

var cid : str
var command : dict
var command_type : str
class CommandResponseObject (status: str, error: Optional[OffChainErrorObject] = None, cid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None)

CommandResponseObject(status: str, _ObjectType: str = 'CommandResponseObject', error: Optional[diem.offchain.types.command_types.OffChainErrorObject] = None, cid: Optional[str] = None, result: Optional[dict] = None)

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class CommandResponseObject:
    # Either success or failure.
    status: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": [CommandResponseStatus.success, CommandResponseStatus.failure]})
    # The fixed string CommandResponseObject.
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(default="CommandResponseObject", metadata={"valid-values": ["CommandResponseObject"]})
    # Details on errors when status == "failure"
    error: typing.Optional[OffChainErrorObject] = datafield(default=None)
    # The Command identifier to which this is a response.
    cid: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)
    # An result JSON object that may be defined when status == "success"
    result: typing.Optional[dict] = datafield(default=None)  # pyre-ignore

Class variables

var cid : Optional[str]
var error : Optional[OffChainErrorObject]
var result : Optional[dict]
var status : str
class CommandResponseStatus
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class CommandResponseStatus:
    success = "success"
    failure = "failure"

Class variables

var failure
var success
class CommandType
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class CommandType:
    PaymentCommand = "PaymentCommand"
    FundPullPreApprovalCommand = "FundPullPreApprovalCommand"
    PingCommand = "PingCommand"
    ReferenceIDCommand = "ReferenceIDCommand"

Class variables

var FundPullPreApprovalCommand
var PaymentCommand
var PingCommand
var ReferenceIDCommand
class ErrorCode
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class ErrorCode:
    # PaymentActionObject#amount is under travel rule threshold, no kyc needed for
    # the transaction
    no_kyc_needed = "no_kyc_needed"

    # can't transit from prior payment to new payment
    invalid_transition = "invalid_transition"

    # the producer of the command is not right actor, for example:
    # if next actor to change the payment is sender, but receiver send a new command
    # with payment object change.
    # question: should we allow it for the case like appending metadata?
    invalid_command_producer = "invalid_command_producer"

    # object is not valid, type does not match
    invalid_object = "invalid_object"
    # missing required field, field value is required for a specific state
    # for example:
    #     1. when sender init the request, kyc_data is missing, or
    #     2. set sender#status#status to none at any time.
    missing_field = "missing_field"
    # field value type is wrong
    # field value is not one of expected values
    invalid_field_value = "invalid_field_value"
    unknown_field = "unknown_field"

    # request content is not valid json
    invalid_json = "invalid_json"

    # decode JWS content failed
    invalid_jws = "invalid_jws"
    # validate JWS signature failed
    invalid_jws_signature = "invalid_jws_signature"

    # request comment_type value is unknown
    unknown_command_type = "unknown_command_type"

    # 1. could not find actor's onchain account by address
    # 2. none of actor addresses is server's (parent / child) vasp or dd address
    unknown_address = "unknown_address"

    # overwrite write once / immutable field value
    invalid_overwrite = "invalid_overwrite"

    # could not find command by reference_id for a non-initial command
    invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found = "invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found"

    # the command is conflict with another command updating in progress by reference id
    conflict = "conflict"

    missing_http_header = "missing_http_header"
    invalid_http_header = "invalid_http_header"
    invalid_recipient_signature = "invalid_recipient_signature"

    # Field payment.action.currency value is a valid Diem currency code, but it is not supported / acceptable by the receiver VASP.
    unsupported_currency = "unsupported_currency"

    # Duplicate Reference ID was rejected by the receiving end
    duplicate_reference_id = "duplicate_reference_id"

    # Receiving end could not find the user with the given user_identifier
    invalid_receiver = "invalid_receiver"

Class variables

var conflict
var duplicate_reference_id
var invalid_command_producer
var invalid_field_value
var invalid_http_header
var invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found
var invalid_json
var invalid_jws
var invalid_jws_signature
var invalid_object
var invalid_overwrite
var invalid_receiver
var invalid_recipient_signature
var invalid_transition
var missing_field
var missing_http_header
var no_kyc_needed
var unknown_address
var unknown_command_type
var unknown_field
var unsupported_currency
class FundPullPreApprovalCommandObject (_ObjectType: str)

FundPullPreApprovalCommandObject(_ObjectType: str)

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class FundPullPreApprovalCommandObject:
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(metadata={"valid-values": [CommandType.FundPullPreApprovalCommand]})
class OffChainCommandResponseResultType

Type of result in a CommandResponseObject

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class OffChainCommandResponseResultType:
    """ Type of result in a CommandResponseObject"""

    ReferenceIDCommandResponse = "ReferenceIDCommandResponse"

Class variables

var ReferenceIDCommandResponse
class OffChainErrorObject (type: str, code: str, field: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None)

OffChainErrorObject(type: str, code: str, field: Optional[str] = None, message: Optional[str] = None)

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class OffChainErrorObject:
    # Either "command_error" or "protocol_error".
    type: str = datafield(
            "valid-values": [
    # The error code of the corresponding error
    code: str
    # The field on which this error occurred
    field: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)
    # Additional details about this error
    message: typing.Optional[str] = datafield(default=None)

Class variables

var code : str
var field : Optional[str]
var message : Optional[str]
var type : str
class OffChainErrorType

command_error occurs in response to a Command failing to be applied - for example, invalid _reads values, or high level validation errors. protocol_error occurs in response to a failure related to the lower-level protocol.

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class OffChainErrorType:
    """command_error occurs in response to a Command failing to be applied -
    for example, invalid _reads values, or high level validation errors.
    protocol_error occurs in response to a failure related to the lower-level protocol.

    command_error = "command_error"
    protocol_error = "protocol_error"

Class variables

var command_error
var protocol_error
class ReferenceIDCommandObject (sender: str, sender_address: str, receiver: str, reference_id: str)

ReferenceIDCommandObject(sender: str, sender_address: str, receiver: str, reference_id: str, _ObjectType: str = 'ReferenceIDCommand')

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class ReferenceIDCommandObject:
    # Sender's full DiemID
    sender: str
    # Sender's onchain account identifier with subaddress set to `None` or the zero subaddress
    sender_address: str
    # Receiver's full DiemID
    receiver: str
    # Reference ID of this transaction
    reference_id: str
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(
        default=CommandType.ReferenceIDCommand, metadata={"valid-values": [CommandType.ReferenceIDCommand]}

Class variables

var receiver : str
var reference_id : str
var sender : str
var sender_address : str
class ReferenceIDCommandResultObject (receiver_address: str)

ReferenceIDCommandResultObject(receiver_address: str, _ObjectType: str = 'ReferenceIDCommandResponse')

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class ReferenceIDCommandResultObject:
    # ReferenceIDCommandResponse: Receiver's onchain account identifier
    receiver_address: str
    _ObjectType: str = datafield(
            "valid-values": [

Class variables

var receiver_address : str