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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

from dataclasses import dataclass, field, asdict
from typing import List, Dict, Type, Any, Callable, TypeVar, Generator
from .models import Base, Account, Event
from .... import utils
import json, time, threading

T = TypeVar("T", bound=Base)

class NotFoundError(ValueError):

class InMemoryStore:
    """InMemoryStore is a simple in-memory store for resources"""

    resources: Dict[Type[Base], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    resources_lock: threading.RLock = field(default_factory=threading.RLock)
    gen_id_lock: threading.Lock = field(default_factory=threading.Lock)
    gen_id: int = field(default=0)

    def next_id(self) -> int:
        with self.gen_id_lock:
            self.gen_id += 1
            return self.gen_id

    def create_event(self, account_id: str, type: str, data: str) -> Event:
        return self.create(Event, account_id=account_id, type=type, data=data, timestamp=_ts())

    def find(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> T:
        with self.resources_lock:
            list = self._select(typ, **conds)
        ret = next(list, None)
        if not ret:
            raise NotFoundError("%s not found by %s" % (typ.__name__, conds))
        if next(list, None):
            raise ValueError("found multiple resources data matches %s" % conds)
        return ret

    def find_all(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> List[T]:
        with self.resources_lock:
            return list(self._select(typ, **conds))

    def create(self, typ: Type[T], before_create: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> T:
        with self.resources_lock:
            obj = typ(**self._insert(typ, **data))
            self._record_event(obj, "created", data)
            return obj

    def update(self, obj: T, before_update: Callable[[T], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> None:
        for k, v in data.items():
            setattr(obj, k, v)
        with self.resources_lock:
            self._record_event(obj, "updated", data)

    def _record_event(self, obj: T, action: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        if not isinstance(obj, Event):
            type = "%s_%s" % (action, utils.to_snake(obj))
            account_id = if isinstance(obj, Account) else obj.account_id  # pyre-ignore
            data["id"] =
            self._insert(Event, account_id=account_id, type=type, data=json.dumps(data), timestamp=_ts())

    def _update(self, obj: T) -> None:
        records = self.resources.get(type(obj), [])
        index = next(iter([i for i, res in enumerate(records) if res["id"] ==]), None)
        if index is None:
            raise NotFoundError("could not find resource by id: %s" %
        records[index] = asdict(obj)

    def _insert(self, typ: Type[T], **res: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if "id" not in res:
            res["id"] = str(self.next_id())
        self.resources.setdefault(typ, []).append(asdict(typ(**res)))
        return res

    def _select(self, typ: Type[T], reverse: bool = False, **conds: Any) -> Generator[T, None, None]:
        items = reversed(self.resources.get(typ, [])) if reverse else self.resources.get(typ, [])
        for res in items:
            if _match(res, **conds):
                yield typ(**res)

def _match(res: Dict[str, Any], **conds: Any) -> bool:
    for k, v in conds.items():
        if res.get(k) != v:
            return False
    return True

def _ts() -> int:
    return int(time.time() * 1000)


class InMemoryStore (resources: Dict[Type[Base], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = <factory>, resources_lock:  = <factory>, gen_id_lock:  = <factory>, gen_id: int = 0)

InMemoryStore is a simple in-memory store for resources

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class InMemoryStore:
    """InMemoryStore is a simple in-memory store for resources"""

    resources: Dict[Type[Base], List[Dict[str, Any]]] = field(default_factory=dict)
    resources_lock: threading.RLock = field(default_factory=threading.RLock)
    gen_id_lock: threading.Lock = field(default_factory=threading.Lock)
    gen_id: int = field(default=0)

    def next_id(self) -> int:
        with self.gen_id_lock:
            self.gen_id += 1
            return self.gen_id

    def create_event(self, account_id: str, type: str, data: str) -> Event:
        return self.create(Event, account_id=account_id, type=type, data=data, timestamp=_ts())

    def find(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> T:
        with self.resources_lock:
            list = self._select(typ, **conds)
        ret = next(list, None)
        if not ret:
            raise NotFoundError("%s not found by %s" % (typ.__name__, conds))
        if next(list, None):
            raise ValueError("found multiple resources data matches %s" % conds)
        return ret

    def find_all(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> List[T]:
        with self.resources_lock:
            return list(self._select(typ, **conds))

    def create(self, typ: Type[T], before_create: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> T:
        with self.resources_lock:
            obj = typ(**self._insert(typ, **data))
            self._record_event(obj, "created", data)
            return obj

    def update(self, obj: T, before_update: Callable[[T], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> None:
        for k, v in data.items():
            setattr(obj, k, v)
        with self.resources_lock:
            self._record_event(obj, "updated", data)

    def _record_event(self, obj: T, action: str, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        if not isinstance(obj, Event):
            type = "%s_%s" % (action, utils.to_snake(obj))
            account_id = if isinstance(obj, Account) else obj.account_id  # pyre-ignore
            data["id"] =
            self._insert(Event, account_id=account_id, type=type, data=json.dumps(data), timestamp=_ts())

    def _update(self, obj: T) -> None:
        records = self.resources.get(type(obj), [])
        index = next(iter([i for i, res in enumerate(records) if res["id"] ==]), None)
        if index is None:
            raise NotFoundError("could not find resource by id: %s" %
        records[index] = asdict(obj)

    def _insert(self, typ: Type[T], **res: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        if "id" not in res:
            res["id"] = str(self.next_id())
        self.resources.setdefault(typ, []).append(asdict(typ(**res)))
        return res

    def _select(self, typ: Type[T], reverse: bool = False, **conds: Any) -> Generator[T, None, None]:
        items = reversed(self.resources.get(typ, [])) if reverse else self.resources.get(typ, [])
        for res in items:
            if _match(res, **conds):
                yield typ(**res)

Class variables

var gen_id : int
var gen_id_lock
var resources : Dict[Type[Base], List[Dict[str, Any]]]
var resources_lock


def create(self, typ: Type[~T], before_create: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], NoneType] = <function InMemoryStore.<lambda>>, **data: Any) ‑> ~T
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def create(self, typ: Type[T], before_create: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> T:
    with self.resources_lock:
        obj = typ(**self._insert(typ, **data))
        self._record_event(obj, "created", data)
        return obj
def create_event(self, account_id: str, type: str, data: str) ‑> Event
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def create_event(self, account_id: str, type: str, data: str) -> Event:
    return self.create(Event, account_id=account_id, type=type, data=data, timestamp=_ts())
def find(self, typ: Type[~T], **conds: Any) ‑> ~T
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def find(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> T:
    with self.resources_lock:
        list = self._select(typ, **conds)
    ret = next(list, None)
    if not ret:
        raise NotFoundError("%s not found by %s" % (typ.__name__, conds))
    if next(list, None):
        raise ValueError("found multiple resources data matches %s" % conds)
    return ret
def find_all(self, typ: Type[~T], **conds: Any) ‑> List[~T]
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def find_all(self, typ: Type[T], **conds: Any) -> List[T]:
    with self.resources_lock:
        return list(self._select(typ, **conds))
def next_id(self) ‑> int
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def next_id(self) -> int:
    with self.gen_id_lock:
        self.gen_id += 1
        return self.gen_id
def update(self, obj: ~T, before_update: Callable[[~T], NoneType] = <function InMemoryStore.<lambda>>, **data: Any) ‑> NoneType
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def update(self, obj: T, before_update: Callable[[T], None] = lambda _: _, **data: Any) -> None:
    for k, v in data.items():
        setattr(obj, k, v)
    with self.resources_lock:
        self._record_event(obj, "updated", data)
class NotFoundError (*args, **kwargs)

Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).

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class NotFoundError(ValueError):


  • builtins.ValueError
  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException