Module diem.testing.suites

This module provides test suites built for verifying the compatibility of a wallet implementing Diem Transactions Specification.

To test Diem payment transactions integration, the target wallet application should implement MiniWallet API, or implementing MiniWallet API as a new http server and proxy the functions to the target wallet application APIs.

HTTP requests from the test suite will have the following custom HTTP headers:

  1. X-Test-Case: the current running test case full name; it is PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST environment variable value, see pytest document for more details.

Before any tests started, a stub wallet application is configured and started as counterparty wallet application of the target wallet application for wallet to wallet payment tests.

The stub wallet application also implements MiniWallet API.

When a test finished, the target wallet application's account events endpoint (GET /accounts/{account_id}/events) will be called and the response will be dumped into logs. As the endpoint is optional to implement, we ignore errors and log nothing when calling the endpoint failed.

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""This module provides test suites built for verifying the compatibility of a wallet implementing
[Diem Transactions Specification](

To test Diem payment transactions integration, the target wallet application should implement [MiniWallet API](, or implementing [MiniWallet API]( as a new http server and proxy the functions to the target wallet application APIs.

HTTP requests from the test suite will have the following custom HTTP headers:

1. X-Test-Case: the current running test case full name; it is `PYTEST_CURRENT_TEST` environment variable value, see [pytest document]( for more details.

Before any tests started, a stub wallet application is configured and started as counterparty wallet application of the target wallet application for wallet to wallet payment tests.

The stub wallet application also implements [MiniWallet API](

When a test finished, the target wallet application's account events endpoint (`GET /accounts/{account_id}/events`) will be called and the response will be dumped into logs. As the endpoint is optional to implement, we ignore errors and log nothing when calling the endpoint failed.

