Module network::noise

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This crate implements wrappers around our Noise implementation. Noise is a protocol framework to encrypt and authentication connections. We use Noise to secure connections between peers in Diem. Specifically, we use the Noise IK handshake which is a one round-trip protocol (the client sends one message, then the server responds). For more information about Noise and our implementation, refer to the crypto crate.

Usage example:

use network::noise::{AntiReplayTimestamps, HandshakeAuthMode, NoiseUpgrader};
use futures::{executor, future, io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}};
use memsocket::MemorySocket;
use diem_config::{config::{Peer, PeerRole, RoleType}, network_id::{NetworkContext, NetworkId}};
use diem_crypto::{x25519, ed25519, Uniform, PrivateKey, test_utils::TEST_SEED};
use diem_infallible::RwLock;
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, SeedableRng};
use diem_types::PeerId;
use std::{collections::{HashSet, HashMap}, io, sync::Arc};

fn example() -> io::Result<()> {
// create client and server NoiseUpgrader
let mut rng = StdRng::from_seed(TEST_SEED);
let client_private = x25519::PrivateKey::generate(&mut rng);
let client_public = client_private.public_key();
let client_peer_id = PeerId::random();

let server_private = x25519::PrivateKey::generate(&mut rng);
let server_public = server_private.public_key();
let server_peer_id = PeerId::random();

// create list of trusted peers
let client_pubkey_set: HashSet<_> = vec![client_public].into_iter().collect();
let server_pubkey_set: HashSet<_> = vec![server_public].into_iter().collect();
let trusted_peers: HashMap<_, _> = vec![
    (client_peer_id, Peer::new(Vec::new(), client_pubkey_set, PeerRole::Validator)),
    (server_peer_id, Peer::new(Vec::new(), server_pubkey_set, PeerRole::Validator))
let trusted_peers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(trusted_peers));

let client_auth = HandshakeAuthMode::mutual(trusted_peers.clone());
let client_context = Arc::new(NetworkContext::new(
let client = NoiseUpgrader::new(client_context, client_private, client_auth);

let server_auth = HandshakeAuthMode::mutual(trusted_peers);
let server_context = Arc::new(NetworkContext::new(
let server = NoiseUpgrader::new(server_context, server_private, server_auth);

// use an in-memory socket as example
let (dialer_socket, listener_socket) = MemorySocket::new_pair();

// perform the handshake
let (client_session, server_session) = executor::block_on(future::join(
   client.upgrade_outbound(dialer_socket, server_public, AntiReplayTimestamps::now),

let mut client_session = client_session
    .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))?;
let (mut server_session, _client_peer_id, _trust_level) = server_session
    .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, err))?;

// client -> server
executor::block_on(client_session.write_all(b"client hello"))?;

let mut buf = [0; 12];
executor::block_on(server_session.read_exact(&mut buf))?;
assert_eq!(&buf, b"client hello");

// client <- server
executor::block_on(server_session.write_all(b"server hello"))?;

let mut buf = [0; 12];
executor::block_on(client_session.read_exact(&mut buf))?;
assert_eq!(&buf, b"server hello");





  • The handshake module implements the handshake part of the protocol. This module also implements additional anti-DoS mitigation, by including a timestamp in each handshake initialization message. Refer to the module’s documentation for more information. A successful handshake returns a NoiseStream which is defined in the stream module.
  • The socket module implements the post-handshake part of the protocol. Its main type NoiseStream is returned after a successful handshake. functions in this module enables encrypting and decrypting messages from a socket. Note that since noise is length-unaware, we have to prefix every noise message with its length