Module diem.testing.local_account

Provides LocalAccount class for holding local account private key.

LocalAccount provides operations we need for creating auth key, account address and signing raw transaction.

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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

"""Provides LocalAccount class for holding local account private key.

LocalAccount provides operations we need for creating auth key, account address and signing
raw transaction.

from .. import diem_types, jsonrpc, utils, stdlib, identifier
from ..serde_types import uint64

from ..auth_key import AuthKey
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519 import Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace
from copy import copy
import time, json

class LocalAccount:
    """LocalAccount is like a wallet account

    Some default values are initialized for testnet.

    WARN: This is handy class for creating tests for your application, but may not ideal for your
    production code, because it uses a specific implementaion of ed25519 and requires loading your
    private key into memory and hand over to code from external.
    You should always choose more secure way to handle your private key
    (e.g. in production and do not give
    your private key to any code from external if possible.

    def generate() -> "LocalAccount":
        """Generate a random private key and initialize local account"""

        return LocalAccount()

    def from_private_key_hex(key: str) -> "LocalAccount":
        return LocalAccount.from_dict({"private_key": key})

    def from_dict(dic: Dict[str, str]) -> "LocalAccount":
        """from a dict that is created by LocalAccount#to_dict

        The private_key and compliance_key values are hex-encoded bytes; they will
        be loaded by `Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes`.

        dic = copy(dic)
        for name in ["private_key", "compliance_key"]:
            if name not in dic:
            key = dic[name]
            dic[name] = Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(bytes.fromhex(key))
        return LocalAccount(**dic)  # pyre-ignore

    private_key: Ed25519PrivateKey = field(default_factory=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate)
    compliance_key: Ed25519PrivateKey = field(default_factory=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate)

    hrp: str = field(default=identifier.TDM)
    txn_gas_currency_code: str = field(default="XDX")
    txn_max_gas_amount: int = field(default=1_000_000)
    txn_gas_unit_price: int = field(default=0)
    txn_expire_duration_secs: int = field(default=30)

    def auth_key(self) -> AuthKey:
        return AuthKey.from_public_key(self.public_key)

    def account_address(self) -> diem_types.AccountAddress:
        return self.auth_key.account_address()

    def public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return utils.public_key_bytes(self.public_key)

    def public_key(self) -> Ed25519PublicKey:
        return self.private_key.public_key()

    def compliance_public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return utils.public_key_bytes(self.compliance_key.public_key())

    def account_identifier(self, subaddress: Union[str, bytes, None] = None) -> str:
        return identifier.encode_account(self.account_address, subaddress, self.hrp)

    def decode_account_identifier(self, encoded_id: str) -> Tuple[diem_types.AccountAddress, Optional[bytes]]:
        return identifier.decode_account(encoded_id, self.hrp)

    def sign(self, txn: diem_types.RawTransaction) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        """Create signed transaction for given raw transaction"""

        signature = self.private_key.sign(utils.raw_transaction_signing_msg(txn))
        return utils.create_signed_transaction(txn, self.public_key_bytes, signature)

    def create_txn(
        client: jsonrpc.Client,
        script: Optional[diem_types.Script] = None,
        payload: Optional[diem_types.TransactionPayload] = None,
    ) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        sequence_number = client.get_account_sequence(self.account_address)
        chain_id = client.get_last_known_state().chain_id
        if script:
            payload = diem_types.TransactionPayload__Script(value=script)
        return self.sign(
            diem_types.RawTransaction(  # pyre-ignore
                expiration_timestamp_secs=uint64(int(time.time()) + self.txn_expire_duration_secs),

    def submit_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        """submit transaction with the given script

        This function creates transaction with current account sequence number (by json-rpc `get_account`

        txn = self.create_txn(client, script)
        return txn

    def submit_and_wait_for_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
        txn = self.submit_txn(client, script)
        return client.wait_for_transaction(txn, timeout_secs=self.txn_expire_duration_secs)

    def rotate_dual_attestation_info(
        self, client: jsonrpc.Client, base_url: str, compliance_key: Optional[bytes] = None
    ) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
        if not compliance_key:
            compliance_key = self.compliance_public_key_bytes
        return self.submit_and_wait_for_txn(
            stdlib.encode_rotate_dual_attestation_info_script(new_url=base_url.encode("utf-8"), new_key=compliance_key),

    def gen_child_vasp(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, initial_balance: int, currency: str) -> "LocalAccount":
        """Generates a new ChildVASP account if `self` is a ParentVASP account.

        Raisees error with transaction execution failure if `self` is not a ParentVASP account.

        child_vasp = replace(self, private_key=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate())
        return child_vasp

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """export to a string only dictionary for saving and importing as config

        private keys will be exported as hex-encded raw key bytes.

        d = copy(self.__dict__)
        d["private_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.private_key).hex()
        d["compliance_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.compliance_key).hex()
        return d

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2)

    def write_to_file(self, path: str) -> None:
        with open(path, "w") as f:


class LocalAccount (private_key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey = <factory>, compliance_key: cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey = <factory>, hrp: str = 'tdm', txn_gas_currency_code: str = 'XDX', txn_max_gas_amount: int = 1000000, txn_gas_unit_price: int = 0, txn_expire_duration_secs: int = 30)

LocalAccount is like a wallet account

Some default values are initialized for testnet.

WARN: This is handy class for creating tests for your application, but may not ideal for your production code, because it uses a specific implementaion of ed25519 and requires loading your private key into memory and hand over to code from external. You should always choose more secure way to handle your private key (e.g. in production and do not give your private key to any code from external if possible.

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class LocalAccount:
    """LocalAccount is like a wallet account

    Some default values are initialized for testnet.

    WARN: This is handy class for creating tests for your application, but may not ideal for your
    production code, because it uses a specific implementaion of ed25519 and requires loading your
    private key into memory and hand over to code from external.
    You should always choose more secure way to handle your private key
    (e.g. in production and do not give
    your private key to any code from external if possible.

    def generate() -> "LocalAccount":
        """Generate a random private key and initialize local account"""

        return LocalAccount()

    def from_private_key_hex(key: str) -> "LocalAccount":
        return LocalAccount.from_dict({"private_key": key})

    def from_dict(dic: Dict[str, str]) -> "LocalAccount":
        """from a dict that is created by LocalAccount#to_dict

        The private_key and compliance_key values are hex-encoded bytes; they will
        be loaded by `Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes`.

        dic = copy(dic)
        for name in ["private_key", "compliance_key"]:
            if name not in dic:
            key = dic[name]
            dic[name] = Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(bytes.fromhex(key))
        return LocalAccount(**dic)  # pyre-ignore

    private_key: Ed25519PrivateKey = field(default_factory=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate)
    compliance_key: Ed25519PrivateKey = field(default_factory=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate)

    hrp: str = field(default=identifier.TDM)
    txn_gas_currency_code: str = field(default="XDX")
    txn_max_gas_amount: int = field(default=1_000_000)
    txn_gas_unit_price: int = field(default=0)
    txn_expire_duration_secs: int = field(default=30)

    def auth_key(self) -> AuthKey:
        return AuthKey.from_public_key(self.public_key)

    def account_address(self) -> diem_types.AccountAddress:
        return self.auth_key.account_address()

    def public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return utils.public_key_bytes(self.public_key)

    def public_key(self) -> Ed25519PublicKey:
        return self.private_key.public_key()

    def compliance_public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return utils.public_key_bytes(self.compliance_key.public_key())

    def account_identifier(self, subaddress: Union[str, bytes, None] = None) -> str:
        return identifier.encode_account(self.account_address, subaddress, self.hrp)

    def decode_account_identifier(self, encoded_id: str) -> Tuple[diem_types.AccountAddress, Optional[bytes]]:
        return identifier.decode_account(encoded_id, self.hrp)

    def sign(self, txn: diem_types.RawTransaction) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        """Create signed transaction for given raw transaction"""

        signature = self.private_key.sign(utils.raw_transaction_signing_msg(txn))
        return utils.create_signed_transaction(txn, self.public_key_bytes, signature)

    def create_txn(
        client: jsonrpc.Client,
        script: Optional[diem_types.Script] = None,
        payload: Optional[diem_types.TransactionPayload] = None,
    ) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        sequence_number = client.get_account_sequence(self.account_address)
        chain_id = client.get_last_known_state().chain_id
        if script:
            payload = diem_types.TransactionPayload__Script(value=script)
        return self.sign(
            diem_types.RawTransaction(  # pyre-ignore
                expiration_timestamp_secs=uint64(int(time.time()) + self.txn_expire_duration_secs),

    def submit_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
        """submit transaction with the given script

        This function creates transaction with current account sequence number (by json-rpc `get_account`

        txn = self.create_txn(client, script)
        return txn

    def submit_and_wait_for_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
        txn = self.submit_txn(client, script)
        return client.wait_for_transaction(txn, timeout_secs=self.txn_expire_duration_secs)

    def rotate_dual_attestation_info(
        self, client: jsonrpc.Client, base_url: str, compliance_key: Optional[bytes] = None
    ) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
        if not compliance_key:
            compliance_key = self.compliance_public_key_bytes
        return self.submit_and_wait_for_txn(
            stdlib.encode_rotate_dual_attestation_info_script(new_url=base_url.encode("utf-8"), new_key=compliance_key),

    def gen_child_vasp(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, initial_balance: int, currency: str) -> "LocalAccount":
        """Generates a new ChildVASP account if `self` is a ParentVASP account.

        Raisees error with transaction execution failure if `self` is not a ParentVASP account.

        child_vasp = replace(self, private_key=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate())
        return child_vasp

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
        """export to a string only dictionary for saving and importing as config

        private keys will be exported as hex-encded raw key bytes.

        d = copy(self.__dict__)
        d["private_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.private_key).hex()
        d["compliance_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.compliance_key).hex()
        return d

    def to_json(self) -> str:
        return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2)

    def write_to_file(self, path: str) -> None:
        with open(path, "w") as f:

Class variables

var compliance_key : cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey
var hrp : str
var private_key : cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey
var txn_expire_duration_secs : int
var txn_gas_currency_code : str
var txn_gas_unit_price : int
var txn_max_gas_amount : int

Static methods

def from_dict(dic: Dict[str, str]) ‑> LocalAccount

from a dict that is created by LocalAccount#to_dict

The private_key and compliance_key values are hex-encoded bytes; they will be loaded by Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes.

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def from_dict(dic: Dict[str, str]) -> "LocalAccount":
    """from a dict that is created by LocalAccount#to_dict

    The private_key and compliance_key values are hex-encoded bytes; they will
    be loaded by `Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes`.

    dic = copy(dic)
    for name in ["private_key", "compliance_key"]:
        if name not in dic:
        key = dic[name]
        dic[name] = Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(bytes.fromhex(key))
    return LocalAccount(**dic)  # pyre-ignore
def from_private_key_hex(key: str) ‑> LocalAccount
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def from_private_key_hex(key: str) -> "LocalAccount":
    return LocalAccount.from_dict({"private_key": key})
def generate() ‑> LocalAccount

Generate a random private key and initialize local account

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def generate() -> "LocalAccount":
    """Generate a random private key and initialize local account"""

    return LocalAccount()

Instance variables

var account_addressAccountAddress
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def account_address(self) -> diem_types.AccountAddress:
    return self.auth_key.account_address()
var auth_keyAuthKey
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def auth_key(self) -> AuthKey:
    return AuthKey.from_public_key(self.public_key)
var compliance_public_key_bytes : bytes
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def compliance_public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
    return utils.public_key_bytes(self.compliance_key.public_key())
var public_key : cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey
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def public_key(self) -> Ed25519PublicKey:
    return self.private_key.public_key()
var public_key_bytes : bytes
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def public_key_bytes(self) -> bytes:
    return utils.public_key_bytes(self.public_key)


def account_identifier(self, subaddress: Union[str, bytes, NoneType] = None) ‑> str
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def account_identifier(self, subaddress: Union[str, bytes, None] = None) -> str:
    return identifier.encode_account(self.account_address, subaddress, self.hrp)
def create_txn(self, client: Client, script: Optional[Script] = None, payload: Optional[TransactionPayload] = None) ‑> SignedTransaction
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def create_txn(
    client: jsonrpc.Client,
    script: Optional[diem_types.Script] = None,
    payload: Optional[diem_types.TransactionPayload] = None,
) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
    sequence_number = client.get_account_sequence(self.account_address)
    chain_id = client.get_last_known_state().chain_id
    if script:
        payload = diem_types.TransactionPayload__Script(value=script)
    return self.sign(
        diem_types.RawTransaction(  # pyre-ignore
            expiration_timestamp_secs=uint64(int(time.time()) + self.txn_expire_duration_secs),
def decode_account_identifier(self, encoded_id: str) ‑> Tuple[AccountAddress, Optional[bytes]]
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def decode_account_identifier(self, encoded_id: str) -> Tuple[diem_types.AccountAddress, Optional[bytes]]:
    return identifier.decode_account(encoded_id, self.hrp)
def gen_child_vasp(self, client: Client, initial_balance: int, currency: str) ‑> LocalAccount

Generates a new ChildVASP account if self is a ParentVASP account.

Raisees error with transaction execution failure if self is not a ParentVASP account.

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def gen_child_vasp(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, initial_balance: int, currency: str) -> "LocalAccount":
    """Generates a new ChildVASP account if `self` is a ParentVASP account.

    Raisees error with transaction execution failure if `self` is not a ParentVASP account.

    child_vasp = replace(self, private_key=Ed25519PrivateKey.generate())
    return child_vasp
def rotate_dual_attestation_info(self, client: Client, base_url: str, compliance_key: Optional[bytes] = None) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction
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def rotate_dual_attestation_info(
    self, client: jsonrpc.Client, base_url: str, compliance_key: Optional[bytes] = None
) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
    if not compliance_key:
        compliance_key = self.compliance_public_key_bytes
    return self.submit_and_wait_for_txn(
        stdlib.encode_rotate_dual_attestation_info_script(new_url=base_url.encode("utf-8"), new_key=compliance_key),
def sign(self, txn: RawTransaction) ‑> SignedTransaction

Create signed transaction for given raw transaction

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def sign(self, txn: diem_types.RawTransaction) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
    """Create signed transaction for given raw transaction"""

    signature = self.private_key.sign(utils.raw_transaction_signing_msg(txn))
    return utils.create_signed_transaction(txn, self.public_key_bytes, signature)
def submit_and_wait_for_txn(self, client: Client, script: Script) ‑> jsonrpc_pb2.Transaction
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def submit_and_wait_for_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> jsonrpc.Transaction:
    txn = self.submit_txn(client, script)
    return client.wait_for_transaction(txn, timeout_secs=self.txn_expire_duration_secs)
def submit_txn(self, client: Client, script: Script) ‑> SignedTransaction

submit transaction with the given script

This function creates transaction with current account sequence number (by json-rpc get_account method).

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def submit_txn(self, client: jsonrpc.Client, script: diem_types.Script) -> diem_types.SignedTransaction:
    """submit transaction with the given script

    This function creates transaction with current account sequence number (by json-rpc `get_account`

    txn = self.create_txn(client, script)
    return txn
def to_dict(self) ‑> Dict[str, str]

export to a string only dictionary for saving and importing as config

private keys will be exported as hex-encded raw key bytes.

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def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """export to a string only dictionary for saving and importing as config

    private keys will be exported as hex-encded raw key bytes.

    d = copy(self.__dict__)
    d["private_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.private_key).hex()
    d["compliance_key"] = utils.private_key_bytes(self.compliance_key).hex()
    return d
def to_json(self) ‑> str
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def to_json(self) -> str:
    return json.dumps(self.to_dict(), indent=2)
def write_to_file(self, path: str) ‑> NoneType
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def write_to_file(self, path: str) -> None:
    with open(path, "w") as f: