pub trait DbReader: Send + Sync {
Show 25 methods // Required methods fn get_epoch_ending_ledger_infos( &self, start_epoch: u64, end_epoch: u64 ) -> Result<EpochChangeProof>; fn get_transactions( &self, start_version: Version, batch_size: u64, ledger_version: Version, fetch_events: bool ) -> Result<TransactionListWithProof>; fn get_events( &self, event_key: &EventKey, start: u64, order: Order, limit: u64 ) -> Result<Vec<(u64, ContractEvent)>>; fn get_events_with_proofs( &self, event_key: &EventKey, start: u64, order: Order, limit: u64, known_version: Option<u64> ) -> Result<Vec<EventWithProof>>; fn get_block_timestamp(&self, version: u64) -> Result<u64>; fn get_event_by_version_with_proof( &self, event_key: &EventKey, event_version: u64, proof_version: u64 ) -> Result<EventByVersionWithProof>; fn get_latest_account_state( &self, address: AccountAddress ) -> Result<Option<AccountStateBlob>>; fn get_latest_ledger_info(&self) -> Result<LedgerInfoWithSignatures>; fn get_startup_info(&self) -> Result<Option<StartupInfo>>; fn get_account_transaction( &self, address: AccountAddress, seq_num: u64, include_events: bool, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<Option<TransactionWithProof>>; fn get_account_transactions( &self, address: AccountAddress, seq_num: u64, limit: u64, include_events: bool, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccountTransactionsWithProof>; fn get_state_proof_with_ledger_info( &self, known_version: u64, ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures ) -> Result<StateProof>; fn get_state_proof(&self, known_version: u64) -> Result<StateProof>; fn get_account_state_with_proof( &self, address: AccountAddress, version: Version, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccountStateWithProof>; fn get_account_state_with_proof_by_version( &self, address: AccountAddress, version: Version ) -> Result<(Option<AccountStateBlob>, SparseMerkleProof<AccountStateBlob>)>; fn get_latest_state_root(&self) -> Result<(Version, HashValue)>; fn get_latest_tree_state(&self) -> Result<TreeState>; fn get_epoch_ending_ledger_info( &self, known_version: u64 ) -> Result<LedgerInfoWithSignatures>; // Provided methods fn get_last_version_before_timestamp( &self, _timestamp: u64, _ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<Version> { ... } fn get_latest_version(&self) -> Result<Version> { ... } fn get_latest_commit_metadata(&self) -> Result<(Version, u64)> { ... } fn get_latest_transaction_info_option( &self ) -> Result<Option<(Version, TransactionInfo)>> { ... } fn get_accumulator_root_hash(&self, _version: Version) -> Result<HashValue> { ... } fn get_accumulator_consistency_proof( &self, _client_known_version: Option<Version>, _ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccumulatorConsistencyProof> { ... } fn get_accumulator_summary( &self, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<TransactionAccumulatorSummary> { ... }
Expand description

Trait that is implemented by a DB that supports certain public (to client) read APIs expected of a Diem DB

Required Methods§


fn get_epoch_ending_ledger_infos( &self, start_epoch: u64, end_epoch: u64 ) -> Result<EpochChangeProof>


fn get_transactions( &self, start_version: Version, batch_size: u64, ledger_version: Version, fetch_events: bool ) -> Result<TransactionListWithProof>


fn get_events( &self, event_key: &EventKey, start: u64, order: Order, limit: u64 ) -> Result<Vec<(u64, ContractEvent)>>

Returns events by given event key


fn get_events_with_proofs( &self, event_key: &EventKey, start: u64, order: Order, limit: u64, known_version: Option<u64> ) -> Result<Vec<EventWithProof>>

Returns events by given event key


fn get_block_timestamp(&self, version: u64) -> Result<u64>


fn get_event_by_version_with_proof( &self, event_key: &EventKey, event_version: u64, proof_version: u64 ) -> Result<EventByVersionWithProof>

Returns the [NewBlockEvent] for the block containing the requested version and proof that the block actually contains the version.


fn get_latest_account_state( &self, address: AccountAddress ) -> Result<Option<AccountStateBlob>>


fn get_latest_ledger_info(&self) -> Result<LedgerInfoWithSignatures>

Returns the latest ledger info.


fn get_startup_info(&self) -> Result<Option<StartupInfo>>

Gets information needed from storage during the main node startup. See DiemDB::get_startup_info.


fn get_account_transaction( &self, address: AccountAddress, seq_num: u64, include_events: bool, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<Option<TransactionWithProof>>

Returns a transaction that is the seq_num-th one associated with the given account. If the transaction with given seq_num doesn’t exist, returns None.


fn get_account_transactions( &self, address: AccountAddress, seq_num: u64, limit: u64, include_events: bool, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccountTransactionsWithProof>

Returns the list of transactions sent by an account with address starting at sequence number seq_num. Will return no more than limit transactions. Will ignore transactions with txn.version > ledger_version. Optionally fetch events for each transaction when fetch_events is true.


fn get_state_proof_with_ledger_info( &self, known_version: u64, ledger_info: LedgerInfoWithSignatures ) -> Result<StateProof>

Returns proof of new state for a given ledger info with signatures relative to version known to client


fn get_state_proof(&self, known_version: u64) -> Result<StateProof>

Returns proof of new state relative to version known to client


fn get_account_state_with_proof( &self, address: AccountAddress, version: Version, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccountStateWithProof>

Returns the account state corresponding to the given version and account address with proof based on ledger_version


fn get_account_state_with_proof_by_version( &self, address: AccountAddress, version: Version ) -> Result<(Option<AccountStateBlob>, SparseMerkleProof<AccountStateBlob>)>


fn get_latest_state_root(&self) -> Result<(Version, HashValue)>


fn get_latest_tree_state(&self) -> Result<TreeState>

Gets the latest TreeState no matter if db has been bootstrapped. Used by the Db-bootstrapper.


fn get_epoch_ending_ledger_info( &self, known_version: u64 ) -> Result<LedgerInfoWithSignatures>

Get the ledger info of the epoch that known_version belongs to.

Provided Methods§


fn get_last_version_before_timestamp( &self, _timestamp: u64, _ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<Version>

Gets the version of the last transaction committed before timestamp, a commited block at or after the required timestamp must exist (otherwise it’s possible the next block committed as a timestamp smaller than the one in the request).


fn get_latest_version(&self) -> Result<Version>

Returns the latest ledger info.


fn get_latest_commit_metadata(&self) -> Result<(Version, u64)>

Returns the latest version and committed block timestamp


fn get_latest_transaction_info_option( &self ) -> Result<Option<(Version, TransactionInfo)>>

Gets the latest transaction info. N.B. Unlike get_startup_info(), even if the db is not bootstrapped, this can return Some – those from a db-restore run.


fn get_accumulator_root_hash(&self, _version: Version) -> Result<HashValue>

Gets the transaction accumulator root hash at specified version. Caller must guarantee the version is not greater than the latest version.


fn get_accumulator_consistency_proof( &self, _client_known_version: Option<Version>, _ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<AccumulatorConsistencyProof>

Gets an [AccumulatorConsistencyProof] starting from client_known_version (or pre-genesis if None) until ledger_version.

In other words, if the client has an accumulator summary for client_known_version, they can use the result from this API to efficiently extend their accumulator to ledger_version and prove that the new accumulator is consistent with their old accumulator. By consistent, we mean that by appending the actual ledger_version - client_known_version transactions to the old accumulator summary you get the new accumulator summary.

If the client is starting up for the first time and has no accumulator summary yet, they can call this with client_known_version=None, i.e., pre-genesis, to get the complete accumulator summary up to ledger_version.


fn get_accumulator_summary( &self, ledger_version: Version ) -> Result<TransactionAccumulatorSummary>

A convenience function for building a [TransactionAccumulatorSummary] at the given ledger_version.

Note: this is roughly equivalent to calling DbReader::get_accumulator_consistency_proof(None, ledger_version).

Trait Implementations§


impl MoveStorage for &dyn DbReader


fn batch_fetch_resources( &self, access_paths: Vec<AccessPath> ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>>

Returns a vector of Move resources as serialized byte array Order of resources returned matches the order of access_path

fn batch_fetch_resources_by_version( &self, access_paths: Vec<AccessPath>, version: Version ) -> Result<Vec<Vec<u8>>>

Returns a vector of Move resources as serialized byte array from a specified version of the database Order of resources returned matches the order of access_path

fn fetch_synced_version(&self) -> Result<u64>

Get the version on the latest transaction info.
