Module diem.offchain.payment_command
This module defines PaymentCommand
class provides utils for processing PaymentCommand
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# Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""This module defines `PaymentCommand` class provides utils for processing `PaymentCommand` properly."""
import typing, dataclasses, uuid, warnings
from .types import (
from .error import command_error
from .payment_state import Action, Actor, MACHINE as payment_states, follow_up_action, summary, trigger_actor, R_SEND
from .state import ConditionValidationError, State
from .command import Command
from .. import diem_types, identifier, txnmetadata
class PaymentCommand(Command):
"""PaymentCommand is the wrapper object of `PaymentObject` with request information
This is primary wrapper object for handling `PaymentCommand` defined by off-chain API.
my_actor_address: str
payment: PaymentObject
inbound: bool
cid: str = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))
def init(
sender_account_id: str,
sender_kyc_data: KycDataObject,
receiver_account_id: str,
amount: int,
currency: str,
original_payment_reference_id: typing.Optional[str] = None,
description: typing.Optional[str] = None,
inbound: bool = False,
) -> "PaymentCommand":
"""init functon initializes a new `PaymentCommand` for starting the process of exchanging KYC data
and recipient signature."""
return PaymentCommand(
def id(self) -> str:
"""returns `cid` from the request object"""
return self.cid
def is_inbound(self) -> bool:
"""indicates whether this `PaymentCommand` is created when processing an inbound request"""
return self.inbound
def reference_id(self) -> str:
"""returns `reference_id` of `PaymentObject`"""
return self.payment.reference_id
def follow_up_action(self) -> typing.Optional[Action]:
"""returns follow up `action` based on the `my_actor` and `state`"""
return follow_up_action(self.my_actor(), self.state())
def validate(self, prior: typing.Optional[Command]) -> None:
"""validate this `PaymentCommand` object with given `prior` object,
Raises `diem.offchain.error.Error` if anything is not right
prior = typing.cast(PaymentCommand, prior)
if prior:
except FieldError as e:
raise command_error(e.code, str(e), e.field) from e
def my_address(self) -> str:
"""returns `my_actor_address`"""
return self.my_actor_address
def opponent_address(self) -> str:
warnings.warn("`opponent_address` is deprecated, use `counterparty_address`")
return self.counterparty_address()
def counterparty_address(self) -> str:
"""returns address of `counterparty_actor_obj`"""
return self.counterparty_actor_obj().address
def new_request(self) -> CommandRequestObject:
"""create a new `deim.offchain.types.command_types.CommandRequestObject` for this command"""
return new_payment_request(self.payment, self.cid)
# the followings are PaymentCommand specific methods
def my_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]:
return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.my_actor_address, hrp)
def validate_state_trigger_actor(self) -> None:
if self.inbound and self.counterparty_actor() != self.state_trigger_actor():
raise command_error(
ErrorCode.invalid_command_producer, f"{self.counterparty_actor()} should not produce {self}"
def validate_actor_object(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None:
if self.inbound and self.my_actor_obj() != prior.my_actor_obj():
raise InvalidOverwriteError(
def validate_is_initial(self) -> None:
if not self.is_initial():
msg = (
f"{self} is not initial object, or could not find payment object by reference id: {self.reference_id()}"
raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found, msg)
def validate_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None:
if not self.is_valid_transition(prior):
raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_transition, f"can not transit from {prior} to {self}")
def validate_write_once_fields(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None:
validate_write_once_fields("payment", self.payment, prior.payment)
def new_command(
recipient_signature: typing.Optional[str] = None,
status: typing.Optional[str] = None,
kyc_data: typing.Optional[KycDataObject] = None,
additional_kyc_data: typing.Optional[str] = None,
abort_code: typing.Optional[str] = None,
abort_message: typing.Optional[str] = None,
inbound: bool = False,
metadata: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None,
) -> Command:
"""create a new `PaymentCommand` by replacing some values of this command.
This is a handy function for helping create new command for complete an action and updating
related payment data.
changes: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = {
self.my_actor().value: replace_payment_actor(
if recipient_signature:
changes["recipient_signature"] = recipient_signature
new_payment = dataclasses.replace(self.payment, **changes)
return PaymentCommand(my_actor_address=self.my_actor_address, payment=new_payment, inbound=inbound)
def is_sender(self) -> bool:
"""return true if `my_actor_address` is same with sender address"""
return self.payment.sender.address == self.my_actor_address
def is_receiver(self) -> bool:
"""return true if `my_actor_address` is same with receiver address"""
return self.payment.receiver.address == self.my_actor_address
def my_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject:
"""return sender or receiver `PaymentActorObject` matches the `my_actor_address`"""
return self.payment.sender if self.is_sender() else self.payment.receiver
def opponent_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject:
warnings.warn("`opponent_actor_obj` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor_obj`")
return self.counterparty_actor_obj()
def counterparty_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject:
return self.payment.receiver if self.is_sender() else self.payment.sender
def my_actor(self) -> Actor:
return Actor.SENDER if self.is_sender() else Actor.RECEIVER
def opponent_actor(self) -> Actor:
warnings.warn("`opponent_actor` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor`")
return self.counterparty_actor()
def counterparty_actor(self) -> Actor:
return Actor.RECEIVER if self.is_sender() else Actor.SENDER
def my_actor_field_name(self) -> str:
return self.my_actor().value
def state(self) -> State[PaymentObject]:
"""returns state of the `PaymentObject`"""
return payment_states.match_state(self.payment)
except ConditionValidationError as e:
fields = ", ".join(map(lambda f: f"command.payment.{f}", e.match_result.mismatched_fields))
msg = f"payment object is invalid, missing: {fields}"
raise command_error(ErrorCode.missing_field, msg, fields) from e
def state_trigger_actor(self) -> Actor:
"""returns actor who can update the `PaymentObject` to current state"""
return trigger_actor(self.state())
def is_valid_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> bool:
"""returns boolean for whether the transition from the prior `PaymentCommand` to this `PaymentCommand` state is valid"""
return payment_states.is_valid_transition(prior.state(), self.state(), self.payment)
def is_initial(self) -> bool:
"""returns boolean for whether this `PaymentCommand` is an initial state"""
return payment_states.is_initial(self.state())
def is_rsend(self) -> bool:
return R_SEND == self.state()
def is_both_ready(self) -> bool:
return (
self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement
and self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement
def is_abort(self) -> bool:
return self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.abort or self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.abort
def receiver_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress:
return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp)
def receiver_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]:
return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp)
def sender_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress:
return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.sender.address, hrp)
def sender_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]:
return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.sender.address, hrp)
def travel_rule_metadata_signature_message(self, hrp: str) -> bytes:
return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[1]
def travel_rule_metadata(self, hrp: str) -> bytes:
return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[0]
def travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]:
return txnmetadata.travel_rule(
self.payment.reference_id, self.sender_account_address(hrp), self.payment.action.amount
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"[payment#{self.cid} {self.my_actor_address} {summary(self.payment)}]"
class PaymentCommand (my_actor_address: str, payment: PaymentObject, inbound: bool, cid: str = <factory>)
PaymentCommand is the wrapper object of
with request informationThis is primary wrapper object for handling
defined by off-chain API.Expand source code
@dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PaymentCommand(Command): """PaymentCommand is the wrapper object of `PaymentObject` with request information This is primary wrapper object for handling `PaymentCommand` defined by off-chain API. """ my_actor_address: str payment: PaymentObject inbound: bool cid: str = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: str(uuid.uuid4())) @staticmethod def init( sender_account_id: str, sender_kyc_data: KycDataObject, receiver_account_id: str, amount: int, currency: str, original_payment_reference_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, description: typing.Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False, ) -> "PaymentCommand": """init functon initializes a new `PaymentCommand` for starting the process of exchanging KYC data and recipient signature.""" return PaymentCommand( my_actor_address=sender_account_id, payment=new_payment_object( sender_account_id, sender_kyc_data, receiver_account_id, amount, currency, original_payment_reference_id=original_payment_reference_id, description=description, ), inbound=inbound, ) def id(self) -> str: """returns `cid` from the request object""" return self.cid def is_inbound(self) -> bool: """indicates whether this `PaymentCommand` is created when processing an inbound request""" return self.inbound def reference_id(self) -> str: """returns `reference_id` of `PaymentObject`""" return self.payment.reference_id def follow_up_action(self) -> typing.Optional[Action]: """returns follow up `action` based on the `my_actor` and `state`""" return follow_up_action(self.my_actor(), self.state()) def validate(self, prior: typing.Optional[Command]) -> None: """validate this `PaymentCommand` object with given `prior` object, Raises `diem.offchain.error.Error` if anything is not right """ prior = typing.cast(PaymentCommand, prior) try: self.validate_state_trigger_actor() if prior: self.validate_actor_object(prior) self.validate_write_once_fields(prior) self.validate_transition(prior) else: self.validate_is_initial() except FieldError as e: raise command_error(e.code, str(e), e.field) from e def my_address(self) -> str: """returns `my_actor_address`""" return self.my_actor_address def opponent_address(self) -> str: warnings.warn("`opponent_address` is deprecated, use `counterparty_address`") return self.counterparty_address() def counterparty_address(self) -> str: """returns address of `counterparty_actor_obj`""" return self.counterparty_actor_obj().address def new_request(self) -> CommandRequestObject: """create a new `deim.offchain.types.command_types.CommandRequestObject` for this command""" return new_payment_request(self.payment, self.cid) # the followings are PaymentCommand specific methods def my_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.my_actor_address, hrp) def validate_state_trigger_actor(self) -> None: if self.inbound and self.counterparty_actor() != self.state_trigger_actor(): raise command_error( ErrorCode.invalid_command_producer, f"{self.counterparty_actor()} should not produce {self}" ) def validate_actor_object(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: if self.inbound and self.my_actor_obj() != prior.my_actor_obj(): raise InvalidOverwriteError( f"payment.{self.my_actor_field_name()}", self.my_actor_obj(), prior.my_actor_obj(), self.my_actor_field_name(), ) def validate_is_initial(self) -> None: if not self.is_initial(): msg = ( f"{self} is not initial object, or could not find payment object by reference id: {self.reference_id()}" ) raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found, msg) def validate_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: if not self.is_valid_transition(prior): raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_transition, f"can not transit from {prior} to {self}") def validate_write_once_fields(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: validate_write_once_fields("payment", self.payment, prior.payment) def new_command( self, recipient_signature: typing.Optional[str] = None, status: typing.Optional[str] = None, kyc_data: typing.Optional[KycDataObject] = None, additional_kyc_data: typing.Optional[str] = None, abort_code: typing.Optional[str] = None, abort_message: typing.Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False, metadata: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, ) -> Command: """create a new `PaymentCommand` by replacing some values of this command. This is a handy function for helping create new command for complete an action and updating related payment data. """ changes: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { self.my_actor().value: replace_payment_actor( self.my_actor_obj(), status=status, kyc_data=kyc_data, additional_kyc_data=additional_kyc_data, abort_code=abort_code, abort_message=abort_message, metadata=metadata, ), } if recipient_signature: changes["recipient_signature"] = recipient_signature new_payment = dataclasses.replace(self.payment, **changes) return PaymentCommand(my_actor_address=self.my_actor_address, payment=new_payment, inbound=inbound) def is_sender(self) -> bool: """return true if `my_actor_address` is same with sender address""" return self.payment.sender.address == self.my_actor_address def is_receiver(self) -> bool: """return true if `my_actor_address` is same with receiver address""" return self.payment.receiver.address == self.my_actor_address def my_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: """return sender or receiver `PaymentActorObject` matches the `my_actor_address`""" return self.payment.sender if self.is_sender() else self.payment.receiver def opponent_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: warnings.warn("`opponent_actor_obj` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor_obj`") return self.counterparty_actor_obj() def counterparty_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: return self.payment.receiver if self.is_sender() else self.payment.sender def my_actor(self) -> Actor: return Actor.SENDER if self.is_sender() else Actor.RECEIVER def opponent_actor(self) -> Actor: warnings.warn("`opponent_actor` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor`") return self.counterparty_actor() def counterparty_actor(self) -> Actor: return Actor.RECEIVER if self.is_sender() else Actor.SENDER def my_actor_field_name(self) -> str: return self.my_actor().value def state(self) -> State[PaymentObject]: """returns state of the `PaymentObject`""" try: return payment_states.match_state(self.payment) except ConditionValidationError as e: fields = ", ".join(map(lambda f: f"command.payment.{f}", e.match_result.mismatched_fields)) msg = f"payment object is invalid, missing: {fields}" raise command_error(ErrorCode.missing_field, msg, fields) from e def state_trigger_actor(self) -> Actor: """returns actor who can update the `PaymentObject` to current state""" return trigger_actor(self.state()) def is_valid_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> bool: """returns boolean for whether the transition from the prior `PaymentCommand` to this `PaymentCommand` state is valid""" return payment_states.is_valid_transition(prior.state(), self.state(), self.payment) def is_initial(self) -> bool: """returns boolean for whether this `PaymentCommand` is an initial state""" return payment_states.is_initial(self.state()) def is_rsend(self) -> bool: return R_SEND == self.state() def is_both_ready(self) -> bool: return ( self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement and self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement ) def is_abort(self) -> bool: return self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.abort or self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.abort def receiver_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress: return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp) def receiver_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp) def sender_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress: return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.sender.address, hrp) def sender_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.sender.address, hrp) def travel_rule_metadata_signature_message(self, hrp: str) -> bytes: return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[1] def travel_rule_metadata(self, hrp: str) -> bytes: return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[0] def travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]: return txnmetadata.travel_rule( self.payment.reference_id, self.sender_account_address(hrp), self.payment.action.amount ) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"[payment#{self.cid} {self.my_actor_address} {summary(self.payment)}]"
- Command
- abc.ABC
Class variables
var cid : str
var inbound : bool
var my_actor_address : str
var payment : PaymentObject
Static methods
def init(sender_account_id: str, sender_kyc_data: KycDataObject, receiver_account_id: str, amount: int, currency: str, original_payment_reference_id: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False) ‑> PaymentCommand
init functon initializes a new
for starting the process of exchanging KYC data and recipient signature.Expand source code
@staticmethod def init( sender_account_id: str, sender_kyc_data: KycDataObject, receiver_account_id: str, amount: int, currency: str, original_payment_reference_id: typing.Optional[str] = None, description: typing.Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False, ) -> "PaymentCommand": """init functon initializes a new `PaymentCommand` for starting the process of exchanging KYC data and recipient signature.""" return PaymentCommand( my_actor_address=sender_account_id, payment=new_payment_object( sender_account_id, sender_kyc_data, receiver_account_id, amount, currency, original_payment_reference_id=original_payment_reference_id, description=description, ), inbound=inbound, )
def counterparty_actor(self) ‑> Actor
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def counterparty_actor(self) -> Actor: return Actor.RECEIVER if self.is_sender() else Actor.SENDER
def counterparty_actor_obj(self) ‑> PaymentActorObject
Expand source code
def counterparty_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: return self.payment.receiver if self.is_sender() else self.payment.sender
def counterparty_address(self) ‑> str
returns address of
Expand source code
def counterparty_address(self) -> str: """returns address of `counterparty_actor_obj`""" return self.counterparty_actor_obj().address
def follow_up_action(self) ‑> Optional[Action]
returns follow up
based on themy_actor
Expand source code
def follow_up_action(self) -> typing.Optional[Action]: """returns follow up `action` based on the `my_actor` and `state`""" return follow_up_action(self.my_actor(), self.state())
def id(self) ‑> str
from the request objectExpand source code
def id(self) -> str: """returns `cid` from the request object""" return self.cid
def is_abort(self) ‑> bool
Expand source code
def is_abort(self) -> bool: return self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.abort or self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.abort
def is_both_ready(self) ‑> bool
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def is_both_ready(self) -> bool: return ( self.payment.sender.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement and self.payment.receiver.status.status == Status.ready_for_settlement )
def is_inbound(self) ‑> bool
indicates whether this
is created when processing an inbound requestExpand source code
def is_inbound(self) -> bool: """indicates whether this `PaymentCommand` is created when processing an inbound request""" return self.inbound
def is_initial(self) ‑> bool
returns boolean for whether this
is an initial stateExpand source code
def is_initial(self) -> bool: """returns boolean for whether this `PaymentCommand` is an initial state""" return payment_states.is_initial(self.state())
def is_receiver(self) ‑> bool
return true if
is same with receiver addressExpand source code
def is_receiver(self) -> bool: """return true if `my_actor_address` is same with receiver address""" return self.payment.receiver.address == self.my_actor_address
def is_rsend(self) ‑> bool
Expand source code
def is_rsend(self) -> bool: return R_SEND == self.state()
def is_sender(self) ‑> bool
return true if
is same with sender addressExpand source code
def is_sender(self) -> bool: """return true if `my_actor_address` is same with sender address""" return self.payment.sender.address == self.my_actor_address
def is_valid_transition(self, prior: PaymentCommand) ‑> bool
returns boolean for whether the transition from the prior
to thisPaymentCommand
state is validExpand source code
def is_valid_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> bool: """returns boolean for whether the transition from the prior `PaymentCommand` to this `PaymentCommand` state is valid""" return payment_states.is_valid_transition(prior.state(), self.state(), self.payment)
def my_actor(self) ‑> Actor
Expand source code
def my_actor(self) -> Actor: return Actor.SENDER if self.is_sender() else Actor.RECEIVER
def my_actor_field_name(self) ‑> str
Expand source code
def my_actor_field_name(self) -> str: return self.my_actor().value
def my_actor_obj(self) ‑> PaymentActorObject
return sender or receiver
matches themy_actor_address
Expand source code
def my_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: """return sender or receiver `PaymentActorObject` matches the `my_actor_address`""" return self.payment.sender if self.is_sender() else self.payment.receiver
def my_address(self) ‑> str
Expand source code
def my_address(self) -> str: """returns `my_actor_address`""" return self.my_actor_address
def my_subaddress(self, hrp: str) ‑> Optional[bytes]
Expand source code
def my_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.my_actor_address, hrp)
def new_command(self, recipient_signature: Optional[str] = None, status: Optional[str] = None, kyc_data: Optional[KycDataObject] = None, additional_kyc_data: Optional[str] = None, abort_code: Optional[str] = None, abort_message: Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False, metadata: Optional[List[str]] = None) ‑> Command
create a new
by replacing some values of this command.This is a handy function for helping create new command for complete an action and updating related payment data.
Expand source code
def new_command( self, recipient_signature: typing.Optional[str] = None, status: typing.Optional[str] = None, kyc_data: typing.Optional[KycDataObject] = None, additional_kyc_data: typing.Optional[str] = None, abort_code: typing.Optional[str] = None, abort_message: typing.Optional[str] = None, inbound: bool = False, metadata: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None, ) -> Command: """create a new `PaymentCommand` by replacing some values of this command. This is a handy function for helping create new command for complete an action and updating related payment data. """ changes: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { self.my_actor().value: replace_payment_actor( self.my_actor_obj(), status=status, kyc_data=kyc_data, additional_kyc_data=additional_kyc_data, abort_code=abort_code, abort_message=abort_message, metadata=metadata, ), } if recipient_signature: changes["recipient_signature"] = recipient_signature new_payment = dataclasses.replace(self.payment, **changes) return PaymentCommand(my_actor_address=self.my_actor_address, payment=new_payment, inbound=inbound)
def new_request(self) ‑> CommandRequestObject
create a new
for this commandExpand source code
def new_request(self) -> CommandRequestObject: """create a new `deim.offchain.types.command_types.CommandRequestObject` for this command""" return new_payment_request(self.payment, self.cid)
def opponent_actor(self) ‑> Actor
Expand source code
def opponent_actor(self) -> Actor: warnings.warn("`opponent_actor` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor`") return self.counterparty_actor()
def opponent_actor_obj(self) ‑> PaymentActorObject
Expand source code
def opponent_actor_obj(self) -> PaymentActorObject: warnings.warn("`opponent_actor_obj` is deprecated, use `counterparty_actor_obj`") return self.counterparty_actor_obj()
def opponent_address(self) ‑> str
Expand source code
def opponent_address(self) -> str: warnings.warn("`opponent_address` is deprecated, use `counterparty_address`") return self.counterparty_address()
def receiver_account_address(self, hrp: str) ‑> AccountAddress
Expand source code
def receiver_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress: return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp)
def receiver_subaddress(self, hrp: str) ‑> Optional[bytes]
Expand source code
def receiver_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.receiver.address, hrp)
def reference_id(self) ‑> str
Expand source code
def reference_id(self) -> str: """returns `reference_id` of `PaymentObject`""" return self.payment.reference_id
def sender_account_address(self, hrp: str) ‑> AccountAddress
Expand source code
def sender_account_address(self, hrp: str) -> diem_types.AccountAddress: return identifier.decode_account_address(self.payment.sender.address, hrp)
def sender_subaddress(self, hrp: str) ‑> Optional[bytes]
Expand source code
def sender_subaddress(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Optional[bytes]: return identifier.decode_account_subaddress(self.payment.sender.address, hrp)
def state(self) ‑> State[PaymentObject]
returns state of the
Expand source code
def state(self) -> State[PaymentObject]: """returns state of the `PaymentObject`""" try: return payment_states.match_state(self.payment) except ConditionValidationError as e: fields = ", ".join(map(lambda f: f"command.payment.{f}", e.match_result.mismatched_fields)) msg = f"payment object is invalid, missing: {fields}" raise command_error(ErrorCode.missing_field, msg, fields) from e
def state_trigger_actor(self) ‑> Actor
returns actor who can update the
to current stateExpand source code
def state_trigger_actor(self) -> Actor: """returns actor who can update the `PaymentObject` to current state""" return trigger_actor(self.state())
def travel_rule_metadata(self, hrp: str) ‑> bytes
Expand source code
def travel_rule_metadata(self, hrp: str) -> bytes: return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[0]
def travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(self, hrp: str) ‑> Tuple[bytes, bytes]
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def travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(self, hrp: str) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes]: return txnmetadata.travel_rule( self.payment.reference_id, self.sender_account_address(hrp), self.payment.action.amount )
def travel_rule_metadata_signature_message(self, hrp: str) ‑> bytes
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def travel_rule_metadata_signature_message(self, hrp: str) -> bytes: return self.travel_rule_metadata_and_sig_msg(hrp)[1]
def validate(self, prior: Optional[Command]) ‑> NoneType
validate this
object with givenprior
if anything is not rightExpand source code
def validate(self, prior: typing.Optional[Command]) -> None: """validate this `PaymentCommand` object with given `prior` object, Raises `diem.offchain.error.Error` if anything is not right """ prior = typing.cast(PaymentCommand, prior) try: self.validate_state_trigger_actor() if prior: self.validate_actor_object(prior) self.validate_write_once_fields(prior) self.validate_transition(prior) else: self.validate_is_initial() except FieldError as e: raise command_error(e.code, str(e), e.field) from e
def validate_actor_object(self, prior: PaymentCommand) ‑> NoneType
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def validate_actor_object(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: if self.inbound and self.my_actor_obj() != prior.my_actor_obj(): raise InvalidOverwriteError( f"payment.{self.my_actor_field_name()}", self.my_actor_obj(), prior.my_actor_obj(), self.my_actor_field_name(), )
def validate_is_initial(self) ‑> NoneType
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def validate_is_initial(self) -> None: if not self.is_initial(): msg = ( f"{self} is not initial object, or could not find payment object by reference id: {self.reference_id()}" ) raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_initial_or_prior_not_found, msg)
def validate_state_trigger_actor(self) ‑> NoneType
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def validate_state_trigger_actor(self) -> None: if self.inbound and self.counterparty_actor() != self.state_trigger_actor(): raise command_error( ErrorCode.invalid_command_producer, f"{self.counterparty_actor()} should not produce {self}" )
def validate_transition(self, prior: PaymentCommand) ‑> NoneType
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def validate_transition(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: if not self.is_valid_transition(prior): raise command_error(ErrorCode.invalid_transition, f"can not transit from {prior} to {self}")
def validate_write_once_fields(self, prior: PaymentCommand) ‑> NoneType
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def validate_write_once_fields(self, prior: "PaymentCommand") -> None: validate_write_once_fields("payment", self.payment, prior.payment)