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// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use consensus_types::{
common::{Author, Round},
use fallible::copy_from_slice::copy_slice_to_vec;
/// ProposerElection incorporates the logic of choosing a leader among multiple candidates.
/// We are open to a possibility for having multiple proposers per round, the ultimate choice
/// of a proposal is exposed by the election protocol via the stream of proposals.
pub trait ProposerElection {
/// If a given author is a valid candidate for being a proposer, generate the info,
/// otherwise return None.
/// Note that this function is synchronous.
fn is_valid_proposer(&self, author: Author, round: Round) -> bool {
self.get_valid_proposer(round) == author
/// Return the valid proposer for a given round (this information can be
/// used by e.g., voters for choosing the destinations for sending their votes to).
fn get_valid_proposer(&self, round: Round) -> Author;
/// Return if a given proposed block is valid.
fn is_valid_proposal(&self, block: &Block) -> bool {
block.author().map_or(false, |author| {
self.is_valid_proposer(author, block.round())
// next continuously mutates a state and returns a u64-index
pub(crate) fn next(state: &mut Vec<u8>) -> u64 {
// state = SHA-3-256(state)
*state = diem_crypto::HashValue::sha3_256_of(state).to_vec();
let mut temp = [0u8; 8];
copy_slice_to_vec(&state[..8], &mut temp).expect("next failed");
// return state[0..8]