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// Copyright (c) The Diem Core Contributors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use crossbeam_queue::SegQueue;
use mvhashmap::Version;
use std::sync::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
Arc, RwLock,
enum ExecutionStatus {
Executed = 1,
NotExecuted = 0,
pub struct Scheduler {
// Shared index (version) of the next txn to be executed from the original transaction sequence.
execution_marker: AtomicUsize,
// Shared number of txns to execute: updated before executing a block or when an error or
// reconfiguration leads to early stopping (at that transaction version).
stop_at_version: AtomicUsize,
txn_buffer: SegQueue<usize>, // shared queue of list of dependency-resolved transactions.
// TODO: Do we need padding here?
txn_dependency: Vec<Arc<RwLock<Vec<usize>>>>, // version -> txns that depend on it.
txn_status: Vec<AtomicUsize>, // version -> execution status.
impl Scheduler {
pub fn new(num_txns: usize) -> Self {
Self {
execution_marker: AtomicUsize::new(0),
stop_at_version: AtomicUsize::new(num_txns),
txn_buffer: SegQueue::new(),
txn_dependency: (0..num_txns)
.map(|_| Arc::new(RwLock::new(Vec::new())))
txn_status: (0..num_txns)
.map(|_| AtomicUsize::new(ExecutionStatus::NotExecuted as usize))
// Return the next txn id for the thread to execute: first fetch from the shared queue that
// stores dependency-resolved txns, then fetch from the original ordered txn sequence.
// Return Some(id) if found the next transaction, else return None.
pub fn next_txn_to_execute(&self) -> Option<Version> {
// Fetch txn from txn_buffer
match self.txn_buffer.pop() {
Some(version) => Some(version),
None => {
// Fetch the first non-executed txn from the original transaction list
let next_to_execute = self.execution_marker.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if next_to_execute < self.num_txn_to_execute() {
} else {
// Everything executed at least once - validation will take care of rest.
// Invoked when txn depends on another txn, adds version to the dependency list the other txn.
// Return true if successful, otherwise dependency resolved in the meantime, return false.
pub fn add_dependency(&self, version: Version, dep_version: Version) -> bool {
// Could pre-check that the txn isn't in executed state, but shouldn't matter much since
// the caller usually has just observed the read dependency (so not executed state).
// txn_dependency is initialized for all versions, so unwrap() is safe.
let mut stored_deps = self.txn_dependency[dep_version].write().unwrap();
if self.txn_status[dep_version].load(Ordering::Acquire)
!= ExecutionStatus::Executed as usize
return true;
// After txn is executed, add its dependencies to the shared buffer for execution.
pub fn finish_execution(&self, version: Version) {
self.txn_status[version].store(ExecutionStatus::Executed as usize, Ordering::Release);
let mut version_deps: Vec<usize> = {
// we want to make things fast inside the lock, so use take instead of clone
let mut stored_deps = self.txn_dependency[version].write().unwrap();
std::mem::take(&mut stored_deps)
for dep in version_deps {
// Reset the txn version/id to end execution earlier. The executor will stop at the smallest
// `stop_version` when there are multiple concurrent invocation.
pub fn set_stop_version(&self, stop_version: Version) {
.fetch_min(stop_version, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Adding version to the ready queue.
pub fn add_transaction(&self, version: Version) {
// Get the last txn version/id
pub fn num_txn_to_execute(&self) -> Version {